1. Nan Zhang, Shuting Wang, Lei Yao*. Cananga odorata essential oil inhalation relieves anxiety behaviors in the autism-like rat via regulation of the metabolism of serotonin and dopamine. Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2023; Epub ahead of print.
2. Nan Zhang, Jie Chen, Wenyan Dong, Lei Yao*. The Effect of copaiba oil odor on anxiety relief in adults under mental workload: a randomized controlled trial. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022, 3874745
3. Nan Zhang, Ying Bian, Lei Yao*. Essential oils of Gardenia jasminoides J. Ellis and Gardenia jasminoides f. longicarpa ZW Xie & M. Okada flowers: chemical characterization and assessment of anti-inflammatory effects in alveolar macrophage. Pharmaceutics, 2022, 14(5), 966
4. Nan Zhang, Mu Luo, Lei He, Lei Yao*. Chemical composition of essential oil from flower of ‘Shanzhizi’ (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis) and involvement of serotonergic system in its anxiolytic effect. Molecules, 2022, 25(20), 4702
5. Nan Zhang, Lei Yao*. Anxiolytic effect of essential oils and their constituents: a review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019, 67: 13790-13808
6. Nan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Linyin Feng*, Lei Yao*. Cananga odorata essential oil reverses the anxiety induced by1-(3-chlorophenyl) piperazine through regulating the MAPK pathway and serotonin system in mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2018, 219: 23-30
7. Nan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Linyin Feng*, Lei Yao*, The anxiolytic effect of essential oil of Cananga odorata exposure on mice and determination of its major active constituents, Phytomedicine, 2016, 23(14):1727-1734
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9. Ying Zhou, Lei He, Nan Zhang, Li Ma, Lei Yao*. Photoprotective effect of Artemisia sieversiana Ehrhart essential oil against UVB-induced photoaging in mice. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2022, 98: 958-968
10. Yijuan Chen, Jiaxuan Luo, Nan Zhang, Wenjuan Yu, Jiexian Jiang*, Guanghui Dai*. Insecticidal activities of Salvia hispanica L. essential oil and combinations of their main compounds against the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua. Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 162: 113271
11. Li Ma, Nan Zhang, Shuying Li, Hui Wang, Mariana Petkova, Lei Yao*. An overview of oil-bearing roses in China. Agricultural Sciences Agricultural University-Plovdiv, 2019.4(25): 21-26
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1 园林植物基础
2 园林植物基础实验
1 保健型园林营造理论与实践
2 疗愈花园营建理论与实践(MLA课程)
1. 国自然青年基金项目,芳香植物气味的情绪效价及与人群特征的关联机制,2022-2024,主持
2. 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,保健型园林嗅觉环境营造中芳香植物的情绪效价与应用研究,2020-2023,主持
3. 横向项目,气味对人睡眠和情绪及安全性的影响研究,2022,主持
4. 中国博士后基金,基于抗焦虑功效的保健型园林中栀子花配置方案研究,2018-2019,主持
5. 国家重点研发计划项目,基于心理生理多模态信息的抑郁障碍早期识别与干预方法,2019-2024,参与
6. 国自然面上项目,芳氛环境对人体睡眠质量的影响, 2021-2023, 参与
7. 国自然面上项目,指按膀胱经穴干预焦虑障碍的海马区神经递质及其代谢的MAPK信号通路调控机制研究,2020-2023,参与