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担任Bloomsbury Publishing(UK)和《Architectural Theory Review》(AU)的学术评审。

主要学术成果包括:发表在《The Journal of Architecture(UK)和JSAH: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians(USA)等刊物的论文和评论;合作译著《装饰与罪恶:尽管如此》(德译中)和编著《汤玛斯·杰斐逊:总统建筑师》。

专著《Mies at Home》于2022年由Routledge出版,2023年春成为普林斯顿大学建筑研究生课程必读书目。


(2011-2012) Mebane Travel Fellowship and John Greene Taylor Family Foundation Yearly Fellowship in Architectural History, 美国德州大学奥斯汀分校建筑学院,5500美元




(2022; 2024 paperback) Mies at Home: From Am Karlsbad 24 to the Tugendhat House. London and New York: Routledge.




(2025, 已签约)阮昕,熊庠楠, 黄华青,汪灏. 世界住宅:一部居住文化的历史. 上海:上海交通大学出版社.

编著和译著/Books Chapters & Translations

(2019)黄运昇,董哲,熊庠楠编著,汤玛斯·杰弗逊:总统建筑师.江苏:江苏凤凰科学技术出版社, 2019.

(2018) 熊庠楠和梁楹成,译. 尽管如此,1900-1930:装饰与罪恶. 武汉&天津:华中科技大学出版社, 2018. (德译中,Trotzdem by Adolf Loos)

期刊文章(英文)/Journal Articles and Reviews(English)

(2024)“ Double-coding in Effect: the reception of the Piazza d'Italia," The Journal of Architecture 29(1&2): 83-98.

(2019)“Invisible Lines: Patterns of Alignments of the Renderings of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Wasmuth Portfolio.” The Journal of Architecture 24 (3): 408-429.

(2018)Review. The New Space: Movement and Experience in Viennese Modern Architecture, by Christopher Long. JSAH: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 77 (September 2018):353-355.  

(2016)“Hannes Meyer (1889-1954),” in Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, London and New York: Routledge, 2016, 线上入口:https://www.rem.routledge.com/articles/meyer-hannes-1889-1954

(2013)Review, Ernst L. Freud, Architect: The Case of the Modern Bourgeois Home, by Volker Welter; West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture, 线上入口 http://www.west86th.bgc.bard.edu/bookreviews/ernst-l-freud-architect-the-case-of-the-modern-bourgeois-home/

主要会议文章/Major Conference Papers

(2023, 第76届建筑史学家学会国际年会文章) “Can a Monument be Playful: a Case Study of the Piazza d’Italia by Charles Moore,” session “Playfulness in Modern Architecture,” 76th Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Montréal, Québec, Canada & Virtual.

(2016, 第69届建筑史学家学会国际年会文章)“From Am Karlsbad 24 to the Tugendhat House: Mies’s Quest for a Modern Living,” session “Building Culture,” 69th Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Pasadena/Los Angeles, California, United States.

选取近5年的10篇中文发表/10 Selected Articles and Reviews in the recent 5 years(Chinese)

(2023)“密斯凡德罗和最低限度住宅’”建筑史学刊 2023(4):71-76.

(2023) 翻译, “现代的诱惑:德国思想在广州的传播”, by Eduard Kögel. 建筑学报661,2023(12):85-91

(2023)“纽约中央公园和奥姆斯泰德的景观设计思想遗产”,遗产 ,第八辑:73-88.

(2023)"在巴别塔对话:查尔斯·摩尔在意大利广场的激进折中," 城市环境设计142, 2023(4):325-329.

(2021)“向毕德麦雅学习:阿道夫·路斯的现代主义指南,”城市空间设计 66(4):48-51.

(2020)“总统建筑师:汤玛斯·杰斐逊与清华大礼堂,” 澎湃翻书党线上入口https://m.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_9211545?from=sohu


(2018)"弗朗切斯科·波罗米尼天花设计的演化:朝向一个连贯的室内立面," 建筑史 42 (4): 230-240.


(2018)“密斯早期住宅:文艺复兴花园别墅传统的转化”. 建筑师192 (4) :63-69.


现代主义建筑和城市 32学时,中英双语),学生评教等级:A2

Cities, Dwellings, and Ways of Living: A Historical Perspective/城市,住宅和生活方式:历史的视野(32学时,英语),学生评教等级:A1


建筑设计及原理(2-2);建筑赏析;Society and Design/设计与社会;学术报告会;专业前沿与特色

(1) 上海交通大学, 教学研究项目, JXXM637436827, 本科课程思政示范课程培育项目, 2022-07 至 2023-06, 2万元, 参与

(2) 上海交通大学黄金枝土木建筑教育发展基金会, 科研项目, 无, 生活方式变迁对建筑促动作用研究:以上海和柏林为例(1918-1938), 2021-12 至 2022-12, 2万元, 结题, 主持
