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GB∕T 38068-2019 船用高速柴油机重载滑动轴承


近年来,在Tribology InternationalWearMeasurementReliability Engineering &System SafetyCeramics InternationalTribology Transaction等杂志发表SCI论文20余篇。

1) Hulin Li*, Jingshu Cao, Study on the tribological properties of bearing alloys under oil lubrication, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, 234(10): 2042-2052. SCI, EI.

2) HuLinLi*, ZhongWei Yin, Yanzhen Wang, A study on the wear behavior of tin-based journal bearing under different working conditions, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2020, 72: 359-368. SCI, EI.

3) HuLin Li, ZhongWei Yin*, Dan Jiang, LiYong Jin, YanFeng Qu, A study of the static/kinetic friction behavior of PTFE-based fabric composites, Tribology Transaction, 2018(6):122-132, (SCI&EI)

4) HuLin Li, ZhongWei Yin*, Dan Jiang,LiYong Jin, Tribological behavior of hybrid   PTFE/Kevlar fabric composites with differentweave densities, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2016, (68):278-286.(SCI&EI)

5) HuLin Li, FanPei Zeng, ZhongWei Yin*, Dan Jiang, YaJun Huo, A study on the tribological behavior of hybrid PTFE/Kevlar fabric composites filled with nano-SiC and/orsubmicron-WS2 fillers, Polymer composites, 2016, 37 (7) :172-178. (SCI&EI)

6) HuLin Li, ZhongWei Yin,DanJiang, LiYong Jin, YuQing Cui, A study of the tribological behavior of transferfilms of PTFE composites formed under different loads, speeds and morphologiesof the counterface, Wear, 2015(328-329):17–27.(SCI&EI)

7) HuLin Li, ZhongWei Yin, Dan Jiang, YaJun Huo, YuQing Cui, Tribological behavior of hybridPTFE/Kevlar fabric composites with nano-Si3N4 and submicron size WS2 fillers, Tribology International, 2014(80):172-178.(SCI&EI)

8) Hulin Li*, Yanzhen Wang, NingZhong, Yonghong Chen and Zhongwei Yin. Study on the performance of journalbearings in different lubricants by CFD and FSI method with thermal effect and cavitation. MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018(249)03006. (EI)

9) Hulin Li*, YanzhenWang, Zhongwei Yin, Study on the ultimate load carrying capacity of journal bearings with different materials and surface treating processes, 6th International Conference on Mechanical,2019(689). (EI)

10) HuLin Li, ZhongWei Yin*, Dan Jiang, LiYong Jin, YuQing Cui, Jun Cao, Tribological behavior of PTFE based single layer and double layer fabric composites. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 166, 2016 WIT Press.

11) Ning Ding, Hulin Li*, Ning Zhong, Qi Xin, Dan Jiang, Study on the tribological properties and fault mechanisms of copper-based alloy journal bearing under different working conditions, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, 236: 2574-2587. SCI, EI.

12) Ding Ning, Hulin Li*, Jiang Dan, et al. Multi-source domain generalization for degradation monitoring of journal bearings under unseen conditions. Reliability Engineering &System Safety, 2022, SCI, EI.

13) Ning Ding, Hulin Li*, Zhongwei Yin, Fangmin Jiang, A novel method for journal bearing degradation evaluation and remaining useful life prediction under different working conditions. Measurement, 2021, 0263-2241: 109273-2241. SCI, EI.

14) Ning DingHulin Li*Zhongwei YinNing ZhongLe Zhang, Journal bearing seizure degradation assessment and remaining useful life prediction based on long short-term memory neural networkMeasurement, 2020, 0263-2241: 108215.SCI, EI.

15) Ding Ning, Hulin Li*, Jiang Dan, et al. Mixed thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication and wear coupling simulation analysis for dynamical load journal bearings. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022,SCI,EI.

16) Ding Ning, Hulin Li*, et al. Simulation and Experiment study on lubrication and fatigue properties of white alloy journal bearings; proceedings of the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, F, 2020 [C]. IOP Publishing.

17) Kang yan, Hulin Li*, Ning Ding, Dan Jiang, Xiang hui Meng, Transient mixed lubrication model numerically for friction and wear of journal bearings under heavy load during start-up, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2022, SCI, EI.

18) QinDong, ZhongweiYin, HulinLi,XiaoyunZhang,DanJiang,NingZhong. Effects of Ag micro-addition on structure and mechanical properties of Sn-11Sb-6CuBabbitt[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2018(722): 225-230, (SCI&EI).

19) Qin Dong, Zhongwei Yin*, Hulin Li, Gengyuan Gao, Ning Zhong, Yonghong Chen. Simulation and Experimental Verification of Fatigue Strength Evaluation of Journal Bearing Bush[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 109:104275. (SCI&EI)

20) Qin Dong, Zhongwei Yin*, Hulin Li, Gengyuan Gao, Yang Mao. Simulation Study on Filling and Solidification of Horizontal Centrifugal Casting Babbitt Lining of Bimetallic Bearing[J]. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2021,15: 119-129. (SCI&EI)

21) Qin Dong, Zhongwei Yin*, Hulin Li, Yang Mao, Gengyuan Gao. 3D Reconstruction of Microstructure for Centrifugal Casting Babbitt Lining of Bimetallic Bearing Based on Mimics[C]. Key Engineering Materials, 2020, 841: 94-98. (SCI&EI)

22) J. Cao,Z.W. Yin, HuLin. Li, etc,Tribological studies of soft and hard alternated composite coatings withdifferent layer thicknesses, Tribology International, 2017(110):326-332. (SCI&EI).

23) J. Cao,Z.W. Yin, HuLin. Li, etc, Tribologicaland Mechanical Properties of Ti2AlC Coating at Room Temperature and 800 ℃Ceramics International, 2018 (1):1046-1051(SCI&EI).

24) J.Cao, Z.W. Yin, HuLin.Li, etc, Designand analysis of a self-lubricating nuclear joint bearing above 320°CIndustrialLubrication and Tribology, 2017(69):95-104 (SCI&EI)

25) J.Cao, Z.W. Yin, HuLin.Li, etc, Research progresses and suggestions of manufacturing technologies of engine bearing bushes. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017 (1): 012005 (EI)

26) Yanzhen Wang, Zhongwei Yin, Hulin Li, Gengyuan Gao, Xiuli Zhang. Friction and wear characteristics of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) composites containing glass fibers andcarbon fibers under dry and water-lubricated conditions[J]. Wear (SCI&EI). 2017(380–381): 42-51.

27) YanzhenWang, Zhongwie Yin, Hulin Li, GengyuanGao. Tribological behaviors of UHMWPE composites with different counter surface morphologies. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.2017, 272(1): 012022. (EI)

28) Yu Q C, Zhong W Y, HuLin Li. Influence of tension in T300/epoxy prepreg winding process on the performance of the bearing composites[J]. Journal of Reinforced Plastics &Composites, 2017, 36(15). (SCI&EI)

29) Liu, WH ; Cao, J He, T; Gao, GY; Li, hulin; Yin, ZW .Optimum cutting depth and spacing of road header picks-a numerical simulation using a three-dimensional cracking method, TRANSACTIONS OF THE CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR MECHANICALENGINEERING,2019,43(3), 366-375. (SCI&EI)

30) 陈永红,钟宁,尹忠慰,李虎林,董琴. 微量元素Cd对锡基轴承合金SnSb11Cu6组织与力学性能的影响, 中国有色金属学报,2019(029)1226-1232 (EI)

31) 霍亚军,尹忠慰,李虎林,曲艳峰,基于ABAQUS的关节轴承径向受载试验的热力耦合分析,轴承,2015.02.0317-11

32) 李虎林;夏成明;杨震春;付朝晖, 泵内部流场的三维数值仿真,机械设计与制造, 2009(9)201-202.

33) 李虎林,陈威,于安民,高宏, 基于ANSYS参数化语言的压力容器优化设计, 机械工程与自动化, 2007(2)56-58.

34) 李虎林,易湘斌,产品开发中的多软件联合仿真技术, 机械设计与制造, 2008(4)55-56.

35) 李虎林,杨震春,付朝晖,推进剂在轨自动补加技术研究, 中国航天,2012, 1236-39

36) 刘宇飞,尹忠慰,蒋丹,李虎林,霍亚军,黏接压力对PTFE/Kevlar双层织物摩擦磨损性能的影响,东华大学学报(自然科学版)2015.11.07414):433-437

37) 金李勇,尹忠慰,蒋丹,李虎林17-4PH不锈钢表面草酸盐膜润滑性能的影响因素,东华大学学报自然科学版,2016.10.27424):496-499

38) 阎树田,易湘斌,李虎林,面向敏捷化可重构制造系统的产品分类方,机械设计与制造, 2008(4)178-180.

39) 易湘斌,王富强,李虎林,一种可重构机床机械系统模块设计, 机械与电子,2007(12)19-22.

40) 孙猛,李虎林,船用高速柴油机重载滑动轴承关键技术指标验证分析研究,船舶标准化与质量,201936-11.

41) 王艳真,李虎林,钟涛,尹忠慰,UHMWPE基水润滑尾轴承润滑特性仿真及试验研究,润滑与密封, 2021, 46(2):17


1)  一种基于迁移学习的船用滑动轴承剩余寿命预测方法. CN114548152A. 发明专利,公开.

2)  一种应用于滑动轴承的双层金属复合材料及其制备方法,ZL201811445551.3,发明专利,授权.

3)  用于轴瓦材料表面的软硬交替复合涂层及其制备方法,ZL201610712259.8,发明专利,授权.

4)  水润滑轴承在轴线不对中工况下润滑性能测试装置及方法,ZL201610566400.8,发明专利,授权.

5)  航空发动机用重载高速径向滑动轴承综合性能试验装置,ZL201610719958.5,发明专利,授权.

6)  轴瓦性能测试试验机及测试方法, CN201910611524.7, 发明专利,公开.

7)  发动机轴瓦综合服役寿命的预测方法,CN201910590136.5,发明专利,公开.

8)  轴瓦润滑与摩擦磨损特性试验机,201610717435.7,发明专利,公开.

9)  轴瓦磨粒磨损测试试验机,N201610848827.7,发明专利,公开.

10)  数控纤维缠绕张力施加系统及方法,ZL201610719958.5,发明专利,授权.

11)  充压变形式轴承外圈内衬粘接方法,ZL2014104126719,发明专利,授权.


1)  材料摩擦磨损测试软件. 2021SR0954959.

2)  轴瓦疲劳试验机测试软件. 2021SR0954530.

3)  轴瓦频繁启停试验设备测试软件. 2021SR0954803.

4)  滑动轴承摩擦润滑特性及寿命仿真分析软件. 2021SR0714683.

​课程名称:加工工艺 授课对象:本科生 学时数:32 学分:2
























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