[1]. 叶超,陈睿山等,上海市决策咨询研究成果奖二等奖,2020. 上海市人民政府。
[2]. 马建华,陈睿山等。河南省首届教材建设奖二等奖。河南省教育厅。
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1.Xiaona Guo, Annah Zhu, Ruishan Chen*. China’s algal bloom suffocates marine life. Science, 2021, 373 (6556).
2.Annah Zhu, George Zhu, Ruishan Chen*. Science transcends national borders. Science 372 (6549), 1403-1403.
3.Wenbo Cai, Wei Jiang, Hongyu Du, Ruishan Chen, Yongli Cai. Assessing Ecosystem Services Supply-Demand (Mis)Matches for Differential City Management in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021, 18, 8130.
4.S Rahaman, S Jahangir, MS Haque, R Chen, P Kumar. Spatio-temporal changes of green spaces and their impact on urban environment of Mumbai, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability,2021, 23 (4), 6481-6501.
5.Y Zhang, J Bai, A Zhu, R Chen, D Xue, Z Zhong, Z Cheng. Reversing extinction in China's Père David's deer. Science 371 (6530), 685-685
6.Yingjie Li, Yuqian Zhang, Leigh Anne Tiffany, Ruishan Chen*, Meng Cai, Jianguo Liu. Synthesizing social and environmental sensing to monitor the impact of large-scale infrastructure development. Environmental Science and Policy. 2021.
7.Bo Xiong, Ruishan Chen*, Li An, Qiang Zhang, Zilong Xia. Telecoupling urbanization and mountainous deforestation between 2000 and 2020: Evidence from Zhejiang Province, China. Land degradation and development. 2021.
8.Abhishek Banerjee, Ruishan Chen*, Suraj Mol, Michael Meadows. Tracking 21st century climate dynamics of the Third Pole: an analysis of topo-climate impacts on snow cover in the central Himalaya using Google Earth Engine. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation. 2021.
9.Xiaona Guo, Ruishan Chen*, Qiang Li, Michael E Meadows. Achieving Win–Win Solutions in Telecoupled Human–Land Systems. Land,2021, 10 (3), 272.
10.Zhen Wu, Ruishan Chen*, Michael E Meadows, Xue Liu. Application of the Ocean Health Index to assess ecosystem health for the coastal areas of Shanghai, China, Ecological Indicators 126, 107650.
11.Yufei Zhang, *Ruishan Chen. The contribution of Fintech to sustainable development in the digital age: Ant Forest and land restoration in China. Land Use Policy. 2021.
12.Xiaona Guo, *Ruishan Chen. Divergent trends and processes of desertification on Inner Mongolia and Mongolia. Land degradation and development. 2021.
13.Zilong Xia, *Ruishan Chen. Automatic Extraction of Aquaculture Ponds Based on Google Earth Engine. Ocean and Coastal Management. 2020.
14.Dhritiraj Sengupta, *Ruishan Chen, Michael Meadows. Gaining or losing ground? Tracking Asia's hunger for 'new' coastal land in the era of sea level rise. Science of Total Environment. 2020.
15.X Yang, R Chen, ME Meadows, G Ji, J Xu.Modelling water yield with the InVEST model in a data scarce region of northwest China. Water Supply 20 (3), 1035-1045.
16.Abhishek Banerjee, *Ruishan Chen, Michael E. Meadows, R.B. Singh, Suraj Ma and Dhritiraj Sengupta, An Analysis of Long-Term Rainfall Trends and Variability in the Uttarakhand Himalaya Using Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing. 2020, 12(4), 709.
17.Siduo Wu, *Ruishan Chen, Michael Meadows. Evolution of an estuarine island in the Anthropocene: complex dynamics of Chongming Island, Shanghai, PR China. Sustainability, 2019. 11(24):6921.
18.Bo Xiong,*Ruishan Chen, ,Zilong Xia, Chao Ye, Yaakov Anker. Large‐scale mountainous deforestation in the 21st century of Zhejiang province, China. Land Degradation and Development. 2020.
19.Dimpho Matlhola, *Ruishan Chen. Telecoupling of the trade of donkey-hides between Botswana and China: challenges and opportunities. 2020, 12(5), 1730;
20.Coscieme L, da Silva Hyldmo H, Fernández-Llamazares A, Palomo I, Mwampamba TH, Selomane O, Sitas N, Jaureguiberry P, Takahashi Y, Lim M, Barral MP, Farinaci JS, Diaz-José J, Ghosh S, Ojino J, Alassaf A, Baatuuwie BN, Balint L, Basher Z, Boeraeve F, Budiharta S, Chen R, Desrousseaux M, Dowo G, Febria C, Ghazi H, Harmackova Z, Jaffe R, Kalemba MM, Lambini CK, Lasmana FPS, Mohamed AAA, Niamir A, Pliscoff P, Sabyrbekov R, Shrestha UB, Samakov A, Sidorovich AA, Thompson L, Valle M, Storrø I. Multiple conceptualizations of nature are key to inclusivity and legitimacy in global environmental governance. Environmental Science and Policy. 2020, 104, 36-42. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.10.018
21.Ram Pandit, John A. Parrotta, Ashok Kumar Chaudhary, Douglas L. Karlen, Daniel Luis Mascia Vieira, Yaakov Anker, Ruishan Chen, Joe Morris, Jim Harris & Phumza Ntshotsho (2020) A framework to evaluate land degradation and restoration responses for improved planning and decision-making, Ecosystems and People, 16:1, 1-18.
22.Dhritiraj Sengupta, *Ruishan Chen, Michael Meadows, Young Rae Choi, Abhishek Banerjee, Xia Zilong. Mapping trajectories of coastal land reclamation in nine deltaic megacities using Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 2019. 11(22), 2621
23.Yuzhi Zhang, *Ruishan Chen, Di Xu, Yao Wang. Tendency of Land Reclamation in Coastal Areas of Shanghai from 1998 to 2015. Land Use Policy, 2019. 91. 104370.
24.Xu Yang, Guangxing Ji, Chong Wang, Jingping Zuo, Haiqing Yang, Jianhua Xu, *Ruishan Chen. Modeling nitrogen and phosphorus export with InVEST model in Bosten Lake basin of Northwest China, PLoS ONE,2019, 14(7): e0220299.
25.Zhen Wu, Ruishan Chen*, Michael E. Meadows, Dhritiraj Sengupta, Di Xu. Changing urban green spaces in Shanghai: trends, drivers and policy implications, Land Use Policy,
26.S Du, X Cheng, Q Huang, R Chen, PJ Ward, JCJH Aerts. Brief communication: Rethinking the 1998 China floods to prepare for a nonstationary future. Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences 19 (3).
27.Ruishan Chen*, Alex De Sherbinin, Chao Ye. Time for data revolution in China (letters). Science. 2015. 348, 981.
28.Ruishan Chen*, Chao Ye, Yunlong Cai. The impact of rural out-migration on land use transition in China: past, present and trend. Land use policy, 2014.40, 101-110.
29.Ruishan Chen*, Chao Ye, Yunlong Cai. Integrated Restoration of Small Watershed in Karst Regions of Southwest China. AMBIO. 2012. 41(8): 907-912.
30.Ruishan Chen*, Alex De Sherbinin, Chao Ye. China’s Soil Pollution: Farms on the Frontline (letters). Science, 2014. 344(6185): 691.
31.Ruishan Chen*, Chao Ye. Land Management: resolving soil pollution in China (correspondence). Nature, 2014. 505(7484): 483.
32.Ruishan Chen, Yazhou Zhang, Di Xu and Min Liu. Climate change and coastal megacities: Disaster risk assessment and responses in Shanghai City. In Climate Change, Extreme Events and Disaster Risk Reduction, Mal, Suraj, Singh, R.B., Huggel, Christian (Eds.) 2018.
33.Di Xu, Ruishan Chen*. Comparison of urban heat island and urban reflection in Nanjing City of China. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2017. (31): 26-36.
34.Di Xu, Ruishan Chen*, Xiaoshi Xing, Wenpeng Lin. Detection of Decreasing Vegetation Cover Based on Empirical Orthogonal Function and Temporal Unmixing Analysis. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/5032091. Article ID 5032091.
35.Chao Ye, Ruishan Chen*. The impacts of Chinese Nian Culture on air pollution. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016.112(2):1740-1745.
36.Chao Ye, Ruishan Chen*. Nian: when Chinese mythology affects air pollution. The Lancet, 2014. 383(9935):212.
37.Yi Chen*, Bin Lü, Ruishan Chen. Evaluating the life satisfaction of peasants in concentrated residential areas of Nanjing, China: A fuzzy approach,Habitat International,2016,53, 556-568.
38.Chao Ye, Mingxin Chen*, Ruishan Chen. Multi-scalar separations: land use and production of space of Xianlin university town in Nanjing, China. Habitat International, 2014. 42, 264–272.
39.Jing Yang, Ling Chen, Joshua Caleb Steele, Ruishan Chen, Xiangzhou Meng*. An extended study on historical mercury accumulation in lake sediment of Shanghai: The contribution of socioeconomic driver, Environmental Pollution, 2016.01.01,219:612-619.
40.Zezhou Huang, Ruishan Chen*. Spatial and Hedonic Analysis of Housing Prices in Shanghai. Habitat international. Habitat International, 2017. 67, 69-78.
41.Dhritiraj Sengupta, Ruishan Chen*. Building beyond land: An overview of coastal land reclamation in 15 global megacities. Applied Geography. 2018, 90, 229-238.
42.Jing Yang, Yi Yang, Ruishan Chenet al., Modeling and evaluating spatial variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban lake surface sediments in Shanghai. Environmental pollution. 2018, 235, 1-10.
43.Gu, Honghuan; Du, Shiqiang; Liao, Banggu; Wen, Jiahong; Chen, Ruishan; Chen, Bo. 2018. A Hierarchical Pattern of Urban Social Vulnerability in Shanghai, China and Its Implications for Risk Management. Sustainable Cities and Society.
44.Zhimin Liu, Chao Ye, Ruishan Chen, Star X Zhao. Where are the frontiers of sustainability research? An overview based on Web of Science Database in 2013–2019. Habitat International 116, 102419.
47.陈轶,陈睿山,葛怡. 我国城市社区洪涝灾害社会脆弱性与韧性的研究及思考 [J]. 城市建筑. 2018 (35)。
52.陈睿山,蔡运龙*,严祥,李昊,土地系统功能及其可持续性评价,中国土地科学, 2011,25(1):8-15
54.李昊,蔡运龙*,陈睿山,陈琼,严祥,基于植被遥感的西南喀斯特退耕还林工程效果评价——以贵州省毕节地区为例,生态学报,2011,31(12): 3255-326.
55.严祥,蔡运龙*,陈睿山,李昊,土地变化驱动力研究的尺度问题,地理科学进展, 2011,29(11):1408-1413.
56.叶超*,郭志威,陈睿山,从象征到现实: 大学城的空间生产,自然辩证法研究, 2013,29(3):58-62.
57.王尧,陈睿山等.黄河流域生态系统服务价值评价及其空间变化研究[J]. 地质通报, 2020,39(10):1650-1662.
58.王尧,陈睿山等.近40年黄河流域资源环境格局变化分析与地质工作建议[J]. 中国地质, 48(1):1-20.
59.陈睿山*,赵志强,徐迪,陈轶.城市和城市群可持续发展指数研究进展.地理科学进展. 2021, (1): 61 -72.
60.陈睿山*,郭晓娜,熊波,王尧.气候变化、土地退化和粮食安全问题:关联机制与解决途径。生态学报,2021, 41(7): 2918-2929.
自然地理学、综合自然地理学、土地资源学、国土空间开发原理、可持续发展导论、Environmental Science and Policy。
[1].国家社科基金重大项目“全面建立资源高效利用制度研究”,20ZDA085, 2020/04-2022/12,80万元,首席专家
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