主持了国家自然科学基金2项、国防重大基础研究项目(挑战计划)课题1项,国家重大科技项目(02专项)课题1项、国家重大科技项目(04专项)课题1项,国家863项目2项、上海市基础重点项目1项和上海市重点攻关项目1项等。作为骨干成员参加了国家自然科学基金项目2项、国家重大科技项目(02专项)课题1项、国家863项目1项。发表学术论文80余篇,第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI英文学术论文27篇。非通讯作者英文SCI论文7篇。通讯作者国际会议论文5篇 ,非通讯作者国际会议论文7篇。参编《国家自然科学基金委员会学科发展战略研究报告:纳米制造前沿综述》专著中的“纳米制造装备的精密定位与控制”,1.5万字。申请发明专利30项,授权21项,其中2项国际PCT专利。指导硕士研究生32人,博士研究生13人。
[1] LiJiasheng, Li Xingzhan, Wei Wei, Liu Pinkuan. Relative vibrationidentification of cutter and workpiece based on improved bidimensionalempirical mode decomposition [J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2020,15(2): 227 -239.SCI
[2] JiaoYang, Huang Ming, Liu Pinkuan. Optimal measurement angles of the three-probespindle error motion separation technique. Proceedings of the Institution ofMechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.2019, 233(9):3277-3285. SCI
[3] ChenGuozhen, Ding Ye, Zhu Xiaobo, Liu Pinkuan. Design and modeling ofa compliant tip-tilt-piston micropositioning stage with a large rotation range.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal ofMechanical Engineering Science. 2019, 233(6): 2001-2014. SCI
[4] LiJiasheng, Huang Ming, Liu Pinkuan. Analysis andexperimental verification of dynamic characteristics of air spindle consideringvarying stiffness and damping of radial bearings. International Journal ofAdvanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019, 104(5-8): 2939-2950. SCI
[5] WenZhijie, Liu Pinkuan, Ding Han. An efficient identification method fordynamic systems with coupled hysteresis and linear dynamics: Application topiezoelectric-actuated nanopositioning stages. IEEE/ASME Transactions onMechatronics, 2019, 24(1): 326-337. SCI
[6] Li Jiasheng,LiuPinkuan. Dynamic analysis of 5DOFs aerostatic spindles consideringtilting motion with varying stiffness and damping of thrust bearings. Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology, 2019, 33: 5199–5207.SCI
[7] Chen Guozhen,LiuPinkuan, Ding Han. Structural parameter design method for afast-steering mirror based on a closed-loop bandwidth. Frontiers of MechanicalEngineering. 15:1,pages 55-65 SCI
[8] ChenGuozhen, Liu Pinkuan, Ding Han. Nonlinear static modeling of atip-tilt-position micropositioning stage comprising leaf-spring flexure hinges.Proceedings of the Institution Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal ofMechanical Engineering Science 233:6,pages 2001-2014 SCI
[9] Zhu XB, Wen Z J, Chen G Z, Liang J X, Liu P K. A decoupled flexure-basedrotary micropositioning stage with compact size[J]. Proceedings of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical EngineeringScience, 2018, 232 (22): 4167-4179.SCI
[10]JiaoY, Ding Y, Dong Z G, Huang M, Liu P K. Optimal-arrangement-basedfour-scanning-heads error separation technique for self-calibration of angleencoders[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2018, 29 (8).SCI
[11] Xi J S, Dong Z G, Ding Y, Liu P K, Ding H. Anadaptive 2DoF P-PI controller based on an improved just-in-time learningtechnique for ultra-low-velocity linear stages driven by PMLSMs[J]. PrecisionEngineering, 2018, 52:392-406.SCI
[12] Zhang F, Liu P K. Accuracy improvement of theH-drive air-levitating wafer inspection stage based on error analysis andcompensation[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2018, 29 (4).SCI
[13] Chen G Z, Ding Y, Zhu X B, Liu PK, Ding H. Design and modeling of a compliant tip-tilt-pistonmicropositioning stage with a large rotation range[J]. Proceedings of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical EngineeringScience, 2018, 203:1989-1996.SCI
[14] Jiao Y, Dong Z G, Ding Y, Liu P K. Optimalarrangements of scanning heads for self-calibration of angle encoders[J].Measurement Science and Technology, 2017, 28 (10):1-11.SCI
[15] Xi J S, Dong Z G, Liu P K, Ding H. Modelingand identification of iron-less PMLSM end effects for reducingultra-low-velocity fluctuations of ultra-precision air bearing linear motionstage[J]. Precision Engineering, 2017, 49, 92-103.SCI
[16] Wen Z J, Ding Y, Liu P K, Ding H. DirectIntegration Method for Time-Delayed Control of Second-Order Dynamic Systems[J].Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME,2016, 139 (6):1-9. SCI
[17] Ren J Q, Dong Z G, Zhao J, Liu PK. A novel approach for determining the minimum feed in nanochannelsprocessing via molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2016:369:584-594. SCI
[18] Zhu X B, Xu X, Wen Z J, Ren J Q, Liu PK. A novel flexure-based vertical nanopositioning stage with largetravel range[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86 (10):1-9. SCI
[19] Chen G, Zhang B, Liu P K, Ding, H. Anadaptive analog circuit for LVDT's nanometer measurement without losingsensitivity and range[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015,15 (4): 2248-2254. SCI
[20] Ren J Q, Zhu X B, Chen G Z, Liu PK. Design and experiment of vertical motion dual-stage withpiezo-actuated nanopositioning stage[J]. Transactions of Nanjing University ofAeronautics and Astronautics, 2015, 32 (2):199-203. SCI
[21] Ren J Q, Zhao J, Dong Z G, Liu P K. Moleculardynamics study on the mechanism of AFM-based nanoscratching process withwater-layer lubrication[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 346: 84-98. SCI
[22] Ren J Q, Liu P K, Zhu X B, Zhang F, Chen G Z.Multiscale modeling and experimental validation for nanochannel depth controlin atomic force microscopy-based nanofabrication[J]. Journal of AppliedPhysics, 2014, 116 (7):1-8. SCI
[23] Wen Z J, Dong Z G, Liu P K, Ding H, Designof a fine alignment system featuring active orientation adjustment for nanoimprint lithography[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, 85 (3):1-11. SCI
[24] Dong Z G, Ding Y, Liu P K, Ding H. On theanalysis of aerostatic thrust bearings with the differential quadraturemethod[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J:Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2014, 228 (2): 232-240. SCI
[25] Zhang B, Liu P K, Ding H, Cao W W. Modelingof board-level package by Finite Element Analysis and laser interferometermeasurements[J]. Microelectronics Reliability, 2010, 50 (7):1021-1027. SCI
[26] Liu P K, Li J, Ding H, Cao W W. Modeling andexperimental study on near-field acoustic levitation by flexural mode[J]. IEEETransactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2009, 56(12):2679-2685. SCI
[27] Liu P K, Wen Z J, Sun L N, An in-pipe micro robotactuated by piezoelectric bimorphs[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54 (12):2134-2142.
[28] Liu P K, Wang Y L., Wu J. Design and fabricationof magnetic couplings in vacuum robots[J]. Industrial Robot, 2009, 36 (3):230-237. SCI
1)MEMS技术(微电子机械系统导论),2 学分, 36 学时,授课对象:本科;
3)运动控制系统,3 学分,51 学时,授课对象:本科;
2)国家重大科技专项(02专项)课题,2009.03 ―2012.03,真空与高洁净机械手直驱单元和预对准装置关键技术攻关与样机研制(2009ZX02012-001),已结题,主持,经费 1730万。
3)国家自然科学基金项目,2006.09 ― 2009.09 基于近场超声悬浮原理的非接触输送与精密定位(50675132),已结题,主持,经费32万。
5)国家863项目,2002.09 ― 2004.12,6自由度纳米级宏/微操作机器人的研究(2002AA422260),已结题,主持,经费50万。
6)国家863项目,2007.01 ― 2008.12,六维微位移力全反馈纳米压印装备的关键技术与应用研究(2006AA4Z334),已结题,主持,经费90万。
7)上海浦江人才计划项目,2007.09 ― 2009.09,多轴直接驱动真空晶圆输送机器人系统的研究(07pj14051),已结题,主持,经费 25万。
8)上海市高新重点攻关项目,2007.09 ― 2009.09,真空晶圆输送机械手的关键技术与系统开发(071111008),已结题,主持,经费 200万。
9)上海市重点基础项目,2007.09 ― 2009.09,多维超精密运动系统的控制与应用(09JC1408300),已结题,主持,经费 30万。