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教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者(2019),特聘教授(2022),上海浦江人才计划,全国宝钢优秀教师,唐立新优秀学者,中国工业设计协会十佳教育工作者。主持包括国家重点研发课题、国家自科基金面上、国家社科基金、教育部人文社科基金、上海社科基金在内的10多项国家及省部级课题,承担中国工程院、工信部、中国商飞科技委、上海市科委、韩国三星综合技术院“全球研究拓展计划 GRO”项目等科研项目,出版专著三本,发表 CSSCI、SCI、SSCI等高水平论文50多篇,专利和软件著作权授权10多项。获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖,国家教学成果二等奖(排名第四)、上海市教学成果奖一等奖(排名第一)、二等奖(排名第一),上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖学科学术奖著作类二等奖(排名唯一)等。



韩挺, 用户研究和体验设计(修订版). 2021.11: 上海交通大学出版社;

韩挺, 用户研究和体验设计. 2016.05: 上海交通大学出版社;


  • Zhu, Dian, Beiyao Zhu, Jianan Zhao, Chenqi Zhang, Jingran He, Dongjin Song, and Ting Han, Investigation on the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Memory Training Game for Chinese Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial[J]. Games for Health Journal, 2024. 13(1): p. 5-12. 
  • Zhu, Dian, Jianan Zhao, Mingxuan Wang, Bochen Cao, Wenhui Zhang, Yunlong Li, Chenqi Zhang, and Ting Han, Rehabilitation Applications Based on Behavioral Therapy for People With Knee Osteoarthritis: Systematic Review[J]. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth, 2024. 12. 
  • Zhu, Dian, Dongjing Song, Beiyao Zhu, Jianan Zhao, Yunlong Li, Chenqi Zhang, Di Zhu, Cong Yu, and Ting Han, Understanding complex interactions between neighborhood environment and personal perception in affecting walking behavior of older adults: A random forest approach combined with human-machine adversarial framework[J]. Cities, 2024. 146. 
  • Zheng, Hongtao, Tongtong Zhou, Ting Han, Shuo Li, and Cong Yu, An interpretable prediction framework for multi-class situational awareness in conditionally automated driving[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2024. 62. 
  • Zhao, Jianan, Hanjing Zhu, Dian Zhu, Fangyuan Chang, Chenyang Liu, Yan Yang, and Ting Han, Effectiveness of identity-building interventions on recovery identity and patient-reported health outcomes in chronic diseases: A meta-analysis[J]. Journal of Health Psychology, 2024. 
  • Zhao, Hang, Yiying Zheng, Shuting Chen, and Ting Han, Enhancing user experience in the digital service environment: A comprehensive study on the design and evaluation of internet-based healthcare products[J]. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2024. 
  • Yuan, Wenyu, Hua Zhao, Xiongjie Yang, Ting Han, and Danni Chang, Toward dynamic rehabilitation management: A novel smart product-service system development approach based on fine-tuned large vision model and Fuzzy-Dematel[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2024. 62. 
  • Wang, Mingxuan, Ting Han, Chenqi Zhang, Ningning Zhao, Hao Chen, Hongtao Zheng, Shuo Li, and Yang Ge, Using a Biofeedback-Based Mindfulness Practice System to Enhance Mindfulness and Alleviate Anxiety in College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial[J]. Games for Health Journal, 2024. 
  • Tan, Xinyang, Naixin Liu, Cong Yu, Ting Han, Zhan Zhang, and Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen, A preliminary study to identify critical factors for evaluating the effect of car-lock sounds on drivers[J]. Ergonomics, 2024. 
  • Qiu, Shi, Emiran Kaisar, Renbo Ding, Ting Han, Jun Hu, and Matthias Rauterberg, Social Balance Ball: Designing and Evaluating an Exergame That Promotes Social Interaction between Older and Younger Players[J]. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2024. 40(11): p. 2838-2861. 
  • Qiu, Shi, Jun Hu, Ting Han, and Matthias Rauterberg, Can blindfolded users replace blind ones in product testing? an empirical study[J]. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2024. 43(8): p. 1664-1682. 
  • Liu, Yunhan, Chenqi Zhang, Jianan Zhao, and Ting Han, The Effect of a Reminiscence Therapy-Based Hybrid Board Game on Anxiety and Loneliness Levels in Older Adults: An Experimental Study[J]. Games for Health Journal, 2024. 13(2): p. 120-127. 
  • Cheng, Shiwei, Danyi Sheng, Yuefan Gao, Zhanxun Dong, Ting Han, and Ieee Comp Soc. Enhancing Positive Emotions through Interactive Virtual Reality Experiences: An EEG-Based Investigation[C]. in IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). 2024. Orlando, FL. 
  • Cheng, Shiwei, Qi Lu, Zepeng Shen, Yang Liu, Yuejiang Hao, and Ting Han, 3D Pop-Ups: Omnidirectional image visual saliency prediction based on crowdsourced eye-tracking data in VR[J]. , 2024. 83.
  • Zhu, D., Zhu, B., Zhao, J., Zhang, C., He, J., Song, D., & Han, T. (2024). Investigation on the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Memory Training Game for Chinese Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Games for Health Journal, 13(1), 5-12. doi:10.1089/g4h.2022.0183
  • Zhu, D., Song, D., Zhu, B., Zhao, J., Li, Y., Zhang, C., . . . Han, T. (2024). Understanding complex interactions between neighborhood environment and personal perception in affecting walking behavior of older adults: A random forest approach combined with human-machine adversarial framework. Cities, 146, 104737. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104737
  • Zhou, T. T., Ming, X. G., Han, T., Bao, Y. G., Liao, X. Q., Tong, Q. F., . . . Chen, Z. H. (2023). Smart experience-oriented customer requirement analysis for smart product service system: A novel hesitant fuzzy linguistic cloud DEMATEL method. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 56. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2023.101917
  • Li, S., Zheng, H., Han, T., Hu, J., Zhang, C., & Yu, C. (2023). Enhanced Presence Evaluation in Virtual Reality Feedback System with TOPSIS Model. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-15. doi:10.1080/10447318.2023.2263697
  • Zhang, C. Q., Han, T., Tan, X. Y., Yu, C., Li, S., Zheng, H. T., . . . Shen, T. J. (2023). Effect of Exergame Intervention on Balance Ability of Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Games for Health Journal, 12(3), 249-258. doi:10.1089/g4h.2022.0182
  • Yuan, W., Chang, D., & Han, T. (2023). A context-aware smart product-service system development approach and application case. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 183, 109468. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2023.109468
  • ​Qiu, S., Kaisar, E., Ding, R. B., Han, T., Hu, J., & Rauterberg, M. (2023). Social Balance Ball: Designing and Evaluating an Exergame That Promotes Social Interaction between Older and Younger Players. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. doi:10.1080/10447318.2023.2175157
  • ​Qiu, S., Hu, J., Han, T., & Rauterberg, M. (2023). Can blindfolded users replace blind ones in product testing? an empirical study. Behaviour & Information Technology. doi:10.1080/0144929x.2023.2226768
  • ​Qiu, S., An, P. C., Kang, K., Hu, J., Han, T., & Rauterberg, M. (2023). Investigating socially assistive systems from system design and evaluation: a systematic review. Universal Access in the Information Society, 22(2), 609-633. doi:10.1007/s10209-021-00852-w​
  • Song, D., Wenyi, Y., Chao, M., & Ting, H. (2022.12). A modular visuo-haptic mixed reality (VHMR) aided prototype technique for in-vehicle HMI evaluations. Journal of Engineering Design
  • Qiu, S., An, P., Kang, K., Hu, J., Han, T., & Rauterberg, M. (2021). Investigating socially assistive systems from system design and evaluation: a systematic review. Universal Access in the Information Society. doi:10.1007/s10209-021-00852-w
  • ​Constantinides, A., Fidas, C., Belk, M., Pietron, A. M., Han, T., & Pitsillides, A*. (2021). From hot-spots towards experience-spots: Leveraging on users sociocultural experiences to enhance security in cued-recall graphical authentication. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 149. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2021.102602
  • Qiu, S., Hu, J., Han, T., Osawa, H., & Rauterberg, M. (2020). An Evaluation of a Wearable Assistive Device for Augmenting Social Interactions. IEEE Access, 8, 164661-164677. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3022425
  • ​Qiu, S., Hu, J., Han, T., Osawa, H., & Rauterberg, M. (2020). Social Glasses: Simulating Interactive Gaze for Visually Impaired People in Face-to-Face Communication. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 36(9), 839-855. doi:10.1080/10447318.2019.1696513
  • ​Qiu, S., An, P., Hu, J., Han, T., & Rauterberg, M. (2020). Understanding visually impaired peoples experiences of social signal perception in face-to-face communication. Universal Access in the Information Society, 19(4), 873-890. doi:10.1007/s10209-019-00698-3
  • 宋东瑾, & 韩挺. (2021). 为开放而设计:生活实验室(Living Labs)的系统性文献综述. 南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)(03), 23-29.
  • ​韩挺. (2019). 通过设计思维建立驱动社会创新和资源的系统. 设计, 32(18), 34-39. 
  • ​马旭娜, 韩挺,杨艳, 用于改善老年住院患者睡眠质量的眼耳一体罩的设计研究. 包装工程(CSCD), 2018(02): p. 26-31.
  • 韩挺,杨艳, 互联网+时代下的医疗产品服务设计,美术观察(CSSCI), 2016(10): 20-21
  • 韩挺,佐藤敬一, 基于设计信息框架的用户体验和行为,西北大学学报(自然科学版)(CSCD), 2012(03): 389-394
  • 韩挺, 孙守迁,潘云鹤, 基于消费者认知的产品形态偏好预测系统,上海交通大学学报(EI), 2009(04): 606-611
  •  Yu, J., Ma X., Han T., Usability comparison of text CAPTCHAs based on English and Chinese, 8th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design, CCD 2016 and Held as Part of 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2016, 7.17-7.22
  • Qiu, J., Han T., Integrated model for workload assessment based on multiple physiological parameters measurement, 13th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, EPCE 2016 and Held as Part of 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2016, 7.17-7.22
  • Yang, Y., Yu, J., Cai, W.,Han, T., Comparison research between ICT-based design and traditional design for hearing impaired children: A case study on speech training tool, 9th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2015 Held as Part of 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, United states, 2015.82-8.7
  •  Cai, W., Liu, J., Liu, Q., Han, T., User experience research on the rehabilitation system of speech-impaired children: A case study on speech training product, 4th International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability, DUXU 2015 Held as Part of 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, United states, 2015.82-8.7
  • Jing, J., Liu, Q., Cai, W., Ying, Y. &Han, T., Design knowledge framework based on parametric representation: A case study of cockpit form style design. in 16th International Conference on Human Interface and the Management of Information: Information and Knowledge Design and Evaluation, HCI International, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2014.6.22-27




















(13)国际合作项目,Users’ Experience and Design Value Research on Paper Use,Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology,2012.10-2013.10,结题,主持;

(14)思科系统(中国)研发有限公司,思科“Spring Roll”系统可用性测试和用户体验研究,结题,主持;






