Simon Yue is held various leadership positions within China within some of the most prestigious multinational firms such as ARUP and EADG. His work experience and built projects have spanned the globe from the Americas, Europe, South Asia, and China. His design philosophy of working from the big to small enables him to have a holistic approach to design with a multi-level understanding of the process, systems, and policies to construction and engineering.
As a leader, Simon has built and nurtured various teams during his career in China, from management to design. His uninhibited willingness to explore, communicate and brainstorm ideas with teammates, collaborators, and staff has enabled him to build many projects and networks within the design industry.
As an urbanist and practitioner of liquid modernity, Simon Yue holds a bachelor of landscape architecture and a master of urban design from the University of Toronto. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate from Xian Jiaotong University and Liverpool University, with research in mobility and urbanism through Placemaking in HSR Station Architecture Design.
He is an active member of AIA Shanghai (American Institute of Architects) as the 2021 Director of Content, where he organizes, plans, and participates in the Annual Events of AIA. Through AIA, he is keen on educating and connecting designers and the public through knowledge and networking. He has also helped to curate the CHHE (Committee for Hige-Rise Environments – ASSC), a subsidiary of The Architecture Society of China (, to create a workshop and dialogue between practitioners, academics, developers, and governments' public realm projects within China.
Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympics
Project Director/Consultant
Nanjing Architectural Design Institute
1st Prize and Project Co-ordination Commission
WLA (World Landscape Architecture Magazine): 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympics
Completed with co-ordination between Sasaki Associates, Zaha Hadid Architects, and UN Studio
Wuhan Xinhai Souyi Plaza
Design Director
EADG Shanghai
1st Prize and Project Commission
IDEAL Magazine Tongji Publication
2010 China National Landscape Architecture Award
Bengbu Longzi Lake Park
Senior Landscape Architect
2010 Urban Land Institute Global Excellence Award
Topos 65 Concept and Form, Bengbu Lake Bridge Park by Jutta Keher and Daniel Elsa, Dec. 28th 2008
Kunshan Peoples Civic Sports Park
Senior Landscape Architect
2009 HKILA (Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architecture) Silver Award
Project Manager and Landscape Architect
NAK Design Group
Integral House Publication, Buffalo SUNY Publishers, 2007 with Shim Suttcliffe Architects
HSR Architecture Station Placemaking in China, Ph.D. Candidate at XJTLU and Liverpool University