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阮昕,上海交通大学设计学院院长、光启讲席教授、校学术委员会委员。曾任悉尼新南威尔士大学人居环境学部副院长、建筑系主任(2004-2018),悉尼科技大学建筑学院院长(2002-2004)。现任国际建筑师协会建筑评论家委员会 (CICA)委员、美国建筑历史学家学会(SAH)会员、新南威尔士大学建筑学长聘教授(2004-2020)、新南威尔士大学荣誉教授(2020- )、同济大学顾问教授。


阮昕着眼于历史文化背景下的建筑形制研究,涉猎中西建筑历史比较、世界居住史、住宅设计与生活方式、民居与文化人类学、建筑教育、永续/再生建筑设计和城市更新,以及西方文化语境下的亚洲建筑研究。学术专著包括:ConfuciusCourtyard (Bloomsbury, 2022),《浮生·建筑》(商务印书馆,2020),Allegorical Architecture ( University of Hawai'i Press, 2006)New China Architecture (Periplus/Tuttle, 2006)Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections on Twentieth-Century Human Habitat Routledge, 2007, 合著),Skyplane (UNSW Press, 2009, 合著),Hand and Mind (UNSW Press, 2018, 合著)。阮昕与著名文化地理学家Ronald Knapp 教授联合主编Spatial Habitus: Making and Meaning in Asia's Architecture,目前已出版专著数十部,涵盖中国、日本、韩国、印度及中东;此丛书在国际学术界拥有权威话语地位。阮昕的学术论文及建筑评论发表于美国JSAH《建筑史学家会刊》、中国《建筑学报》《建筑师》《文汇学人》及 AA《澳洲建筑》等期刊杂志。设计作品(与赵东敏合作)发表于澳洲、中国的设计杂志及报刊。

阮昕于2011年获国际建协(UIA) 建筑与都市设计论文国际竞赛奖。曾应邀于诸国际学术会议做主旨报告, 以及在中国、中国香港、马来西亚、新加坡、新西兰、澳大利亚、意大利、美国、阿根廷、英国和印度等大学与文化机构做公开演讲。其专著和学术论文得到了来自国际权威学术期刊及主流媒体的高度评价和广泛关注。他致力于将中国及亚洲的建筑文化传统置之于西方背景下作比较研究,其根本着眼点在于寻求中国及亚洲建筑文化在当今全球化政治及经济背景下的复兴之路。


Books (monographs)

Ruan, X. Confucius Courtyard: Architecture, Philosophy and the Good Life in China, London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-350-21761-4

阮昕 Ruan, X. 《浮生·建筑》 Fusheng Jianzhu [ Floating Life and Architecture ], 北京Beijing:商务印书馆 The Commercial Press, 2020. ISBN: 978-7-100-18002-3

Ruan, X. Allegorical Architecture: Living Myth and Architectonics in Southern China, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2006. ISBN 13:978-0-8248-2151-7 &10:0-8248-2151-3

Ruan, X. New China Architecture, Boston and Singapore: Tuttle/Periplus, 2006. ISBN 0-7946-0389-0

Books (edited)

Ruan, X. and Murray, A. eds. Hand & Mind:Conversations on architecture and the built world, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2018.

Ruan, X. et al. eds. Skyplane, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2009. ISBN 978 086840 822 4 (pbk)

Ruan, X. and Hogben, P. eds. Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections on Human Habitat in the Twentieth Century, London and New York: Routledge, 2007. ISBN 10: 0-415-40323-5 (hbk), ISBN10: 0-415-40324-3(pbk)

Edited Book Series: Spatial Habitus – Making and Meaning in Asia’s Architecture (co-editor with Ronald Knapp, University of Hawaii Press)

Bangkok Utopia: Modern Architecture and Buddhist Felicities, 1910–1973, by Lawrence Chua (February 2021)

Diversity in the Great Unity: Regional Yuan Architecture, by Lala Zuo(September 2019)

Modern Kyoto: Building for Ceremony and Commemoration, 1868–1940, by Alice Y. Tseng(October 2018)

Traces of the Sage: Monument, Materiality, and the First Temple of Confucius, by James A. Flath (March 2016)

Chinese Architecture in an Age of Turmoil, 200-600, by Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt (November 2014)

Kyoto: An Urban History of Japan’s Premodern Capital, by Matthew Stavros (October 2014)

Architecturalized Asia: Mapping a Continent through History, edited by Vimalin Rujivacharakul, H. Hazel Hahn, Ken Tadashi Oshima, and Peter Christensen (December 2013)

The Hermit’s Hut: Architecture and Asceticism in India, by Kazi K. Ashraf (November 2013)

Architecture and Urbanism in Modern Korea, by Inha Jung (July 2013)

China’s Contested Capital: Architecture, Ritual, and Response in Nanjing, by Charles D. Musgrove (July 2013)

Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China, by Bianca Bosker (January 2013)

Architecture and Metaphor: Song Culture in the Yingzao Fashi Building Manual, by Jiren Feng (June 2012)

Chinese Architecture and the Beaux-Arts, edited by Jeffrey W. Cody, Nancy S. Steinhardt, and Tony Atkin (2010)

Allegorical Architecture: Living Myth and Architectonics in Southern China, by Xing Ruan (2006)

House Home Family: Living and Being Chinese, edited by Ronald G. Knapp and Kai-Yin Lo (2005)

Book Chapters

Ruan, X. “Architecture by Hand and Mind” in Ruan, X. and Murray, A. eds. Hand & Mind:Conversations on architecture and the built world, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2018. p. 6-16. ISBN – 10: 1742234364.

Ruan, X “Yizhong zhuwu wenhua de shigang 一种住屋文化的史纲 [A Cultural History of Housing in Outline]” in Ma, X. et al. eds. Guoji shiye zhong de dushi renwen yichan yanjiu yu baohu lunji 国际视野中的都市人文遗产研究与保护论集 [An Anthology of Global Studies of Urban Heritage and Conservation], Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 2017. p. 303-55. ISBN 978-7-100-14656-2

Ruan, X. “Bligh Voller Nield”, “Grose, James” and “Nield, Lawrence” in Philip Goad and Julie Willis eds. The Encyclopedia of Australian Architecture, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 2011. p. 91-2, 300-1, 496-97. ISBN – 978-0-521-88857-8

Ruan, X. “Architectural Enclosure, Topophilia and Topophobia: What are the effective ‘words’ in architecture?”, in Mark Cousins and Chen Wei eds. Architecture Studies 01: Words, Buildings and Drawings, Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2011. p. 81-102. ISBN – 978-7-112-13183-9.

Ruan, X. et al. “Discussions at the Symposium 3 April 2010”, in Mark Cousins and Chen Wei eds. Architecture Studies 01: Words, Buildings and Drawings, Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2011. p. 131-159. ISBN – 978-7-112-13183-9.

Ruan, X. et al. “Discussions at the Symposium 4 April 2010”, in Mark Cousins and Chen Wei eds. Architecture Studies 01: Words, Buildings and Drawings, Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2011. p. 279-297. ISBN – 978-7-112-13183-9.

Ruan, X. “Yang Tingbao, China’s Modern Architect in the Twentieth Century”, in Jeffery Cody et al. eds. Chinese Architecture and the Beaux-Arts, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2010. p. 153-168. ISBN – 10: 0824834569. 

Ruan, X. “The Dong Tower”, in Xing Ruan et al. eds. Skyplane, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2009. p. 74-83. ISBN 978 086840 822 4 (pbk)

Ruan, X. and Rykwert, J. “La villa e la bella vita: una <commune> a Sydney presso l’Opera House”, in Esther Giani ed. Workshop 208 Facoltà di Architettura di Venezia, Venezia: Marsilio, 2009. p. 170-175. ISBN – 88-317-9881.

Ruan, X. “The Character of a Building”, in Xing Ruan and Paul Hogben eds. Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections on the Human Habitat in the Twentieth Century, London and New York: Routledge, 2007, p. 92-113. ISBN 10: 0-415-40323-5 (hbk), ISBN10: 0-415-40324-3(pbk)

Ruan, X. and Hogben, P. “Architectural Enclosure: A Prologue to Topophilia and Topophobia” in Xing Ruan and Paul Hogben eds. Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections on the Human Habitat in the Twentieth Century, London and New York: Routledge, 2007, p. 1-11. ISBN 10: 0-415-40323-5 (hbk), ISBN10: 0-415-40324-3(pbk)

Ruan, X. “Jianzhu lishi yu renxue [Architectural History and the Constitution of a Human Person]”, in Yadang zhijia and Chen zhi linian [Chinese versions of Adams House in Paradise and The Idea of a Town], Joseph Rykwert, Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2006, p. 8-15 & p. 17-23. ISBM 7-112-08140-8 & 7-112-08131-9  

Ruan, X. “Kongjian yinshi de maodun [Paradox of the Hidden Figure]”, in Jianzhu dongci [Architectural Verb], Yung Ho Chang eds. Taipei: Garden City Publishing, 2006, p. 17-23. ISBN 9867705580

Ruan, X. “Flower Architecture”, in Bligh Voller Nield Monograph, Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2005, p. 14-21. ISBN: 7112075467

Ruan, X. “Paradox of the Hidden Figure”, in Yung Ho Chang: Atelier Feichang Jianzhu- A Chinese Practice, Paris and Hong Kong: Map Book Publishers, 2003. p.25-36. ISBN: 9628604058

Ruan, X. “Pile-built Dwellings in Ethnic Southern China: Type, Myth and Heterogeneity”, in Asias Old Dwellings: Tradition, Resilience and Change, Ronald Knapp ed. New York: Oxford University Press. 2003, p. 347-371. ISBN: 019-592858-X

Ruan, X. “Speculations Concerning Cultural Affinities: T. P. Yang’s Beaux-Arts in China”, in Maryam Gusheh (ed.) Double Frames, Sydney: The University of New South Wales. 2000, p. 43-57. ISBN: 073340748

Ruan, X. (1999) “Two Teaching Programmes Concerned with Cross-cultural Problems”, in William O’Reilly (ed.) Architectural Knowledge and Cultural Diversity, Lausanne: Comportements. p. 101-106. ISBN: 2940075042

Referred Essays in Journals and Conference Proceedings

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “ ‘Jiawu shehui·chengshi jiawu——shanghai jiaotong daxue sheji dalou’“家屋社会· 城市家屋——上海交通大学设计大楼” [House Society, House Urbanity Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design Building] Jianzhu xuebao 建筑学报 [Architectural Journal] , 2024(05)  

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “‘Yingsheng chushi’yu‘xiuci chengzhang’——zuowei xintongshi de‘sheji siwei’“营生处事”与“修词成章”——作为新通识的“设计思维” ” [Utility and Symbolism:“Design Thinking”as the New Liberal Arts] Shanghai jiaotong daxue xuebao(zhexue shehui kexue ban) 上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)  [Journal of SJTU(Philosophy and Social Sciences)] , 2023(04)

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “ Pingfan de‘xiandaixing’——yangtingbao jianzhu pinxi 平凡的“现代性”——杨廷宝建筑品析” [The Ordinary “Modernity”On the Architecture of Yang Tingbao] Jianzhu xuebao 建筑学报 [Architectural Journal] , 2021(10)

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “ Daxueguanlide wuqu +shejiyingdui 大学管理的误区+“设计应对” [The Misconception of University “Management” and the “Designed” Responses] Jianzhu xuebao 建筑学报 [Architectural Journal] , 2021(04)

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “ Chengshi de renxing laizi nali?——cong juzhu moshi yu midu tanqi 城市的韧性来自哪里?——从居住模式与密度谈起” [What Exactly is Urban Resilience? on Housing Pattern and Density] Jianzhu shijian 建筑实践 [Architectural Practice] , 2021(01)

Wang, Hao 汪灏, Ruan, X. 阮昕. “ Midu de wuqu——yizhong lilun kuangjia de chonggou密度的误区——一种理论框架的重构” [The Misconceptions of Density: Towards a New Theoretical Framework] Jianzhu xuebao 建筑学报 [Architectural Journal] , 2020(11)

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “ Yiyu yuxing—renleixue yu minju zatan 意馀于形——人类学与民居杂谈” [The Meaning Surpassesthe Form: Musings on Anthropology and Vernacular Architecture] Jianzhu chuangzuo 建筑创作 [ArchiCreation], 2020 (02)

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “Shui·meihao shenghuo·cezhan 2019 shanghai chengshi kongjian yishuji guihua jianzhu bankuai fansi ·美好生活·策展2019上海城市空间艺术季规划建筑板块反思” [Summary of the 2019 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season Planning and Architecture Section Opening Forum] Shidai jianzhu 时代建筑 [Time Architecture] , 2020(01)

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “Wuzhong zhenxiang xiandai ma 伍重真想现代吗?” [Does Utzon really want to be modern?] Jianzhu xuebao 建筑学报 [Architectural Journal] , 2019(11)

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “Cong tingwu dao shengshi zhi wu zhige yitiao “zoulang” – cong yingguo juzhushi tan “sixiang zhi neibu fengjing” 从厅屋到绅士之屋只隔一条走廊”- 从英国居住史探思想之内部风景” [The evolution from hall to gentleman’s house via “corridor” – “the interior landscape of mind” in English housing history]”. Wenhui xueren – wenhui bao文汇学人文汇报 [Wenhui Scholar of Wenhui Daily], 19 August, 2016, 12-14.

Ruan, X. “Platform and receptacle: Musings of modernity arising from Utzon’s own houses”, in Frontiers of Architectural Research, Higher Education Press, 2016, August, (5): 332-340.

Ruan, X. 阮昕. “Heyuan shenchu de zhongxi juzhu wenhua 合院深处的中西居住文化 [The Inner Meanings of Chinese and Roman Courtyard]”. Wenhui xueren – wenhui bao文汇学人文汇报 [Wenhui Scholar of Wenhui Daily], 9 October, 2015, 10-13.

Ruan, X. (2015). "Fusheng·Jianzhu - Youguan shuiping yu chuizhi de caixiang (Xiapian) 浮生·建筑 - 有关水平与垂直的猜想 (下篇) [Floating Life·Architecture: On Horizontality and Verticality (III)]". Jianzhu shi 建筑师 [The Architect], 175(June), 6-17.

Ruan, X. "Fusheng·Jianzhu - Youguan shuiping yu chuizhi de caixiang (Zhongpian) 浮生·建筑 - 有关水平与垂直的猜想 (中篇) [Floating Life · Architecture: On Horizontality and Verticality (II) ]", in Jianzhu shi 建筑师 [The Architect], China Architecture and Building Press, (February, 2015) 173: 56-63. ISSN: 1001-6740

Ruan, X. "Fusheng·Jianzhu - Youguan shuiping yu chuizhi de caixiang (Shangpian) 浮生·建筑 - 有关水平与垂直的猜想 (上篇) [Floating Life · Architecture: On Horizontality and Verticality (I)]", in Jianzhu shi 建筑师 [The Architect], China Architecture and Building Press, (December, 2014) 172: 6-13. ISSN: 1001-6740

Ruan, X. “The Temperament of a City: A Postscript to Post-Olympic Beijing”, in Footprint – Delft School of Design Journal, Delft University of Technology, (Spring 2013) 7/1: 55 – 65. ISSN: 1875 – 1504

Ruan, X. “Huojiang . Jiangzhu 获奖·建筑 [Award-winning . Architecture]”, in Jianzhu shi 建筑师 [The Architect], China Architecture and Building Press, (February, 2013) 161: 35-41. ISSN: 1001-6740

Ruan, X. “Wuyong zhiyong:jianzhu jiaoyu zhaji 无用之用——建筑教育札记 [On the Usefulness of the Useless Architectural Education]”, in Jianzhu shi 建筑师 [The Architect], China Architecture and Building Press, (October, 2012) 159: 78-82. ISSN: 1001-6740

Ruan, X. “What Can be Taught in Architectural Design? – parti, poché and felt qualities”, in Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Herdelberg, 2010, 4 (4): 450-55.

Ruan, X. “Ephemeral China/Handmade China”, in Footprint – Delft School of Design Journal, Delft University of Technology, (Spring 2008) 2: 5 – 13. ISSN: 1875 – 1504

Ruan, X. “Wenhua Renleixue Shiye Zhong De Chuangtong Mingju Ji Yiyi [Anthropology and Vernacular Architecture]”, in Jianzhu Shi [The Architect], China Architecture and Building Press, (June, 2003) 103: 57-61. ISBN: 7112058740 

Ruan, X. “Accidental Affinities: American Beaux-Arts in Twentieth-century Chinese Architectural Education and Practice”, in JSAH (Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians), Chicago: the Society of Architectural Historians. (March, 2002) 61 (1): 30-47. ISSN: 0037-9808

Ruan, X. “Choral Symbolic Power: An Architectural Study of Meaning on Dong Drum Tower”, Exedra: Architecture, Art and Design 7(1) 1997: 14-23. Victoria: Deakin University. ISSN: 1032-8807

Ruan, X. “The Making of Architecture in the Invention of Traditions: the Architecture of Ian Athfield”, in Stephen Cairns and Philip Goad (eds.) Building Dwelling Drifting: Migrancy and the Limits of Architecture, Proceedings for the 3rd ‘Other Connections’ Conference, Melbourne, 1997, Melbourne: Melbourne University, p. 284-290. ISBN: 0732515912

Ruan, X. “Choral Symbolic Power”, in Sean Pickersgill and Peter Scriver (eds.) On What Ground(s)? SAHANZ’97 Conference Proceedings, Adelaide, 1997, Adelaide: Society of Architectural Historians of Australia and New Zealand, p. 277-282. ISBN: 0646327518

Ruan, X. “Empowerment in the Practice of Making and Inhabiting”, Journal of Material Culture, 1(2) 1996: 211-238. London: Sage.

Ruan, X. Dong Architecture in Decolonization, Occasional Paper 24356-12-95, 1995, Perth: Curtin University Departments of Architecture and Interior Design, ISBN: 1863425861

Ruan, X. “Chongtu Yu Pingheng: Luen Botta [Conflicts and Balances: on Mario Botta's Work]”, Jianzhu Shi [The Architect], 1989, No.34: 174-184. Beijing: Zhongguo Jianzhu Gongye Chubanshe [China Architecture and Building Press] ISBN: 7112005868

Ruan, X. “Jiedao Yu Guangchang De Yiyi [The Meanings of Street and Square]”, Xin Jianzhu [New Architecture], 1989, No.3: 66-69, Huazhong Ligong Daxue, Wuhan Jianzhu Sheji Yuan [Huazhong University of Science and Technology & Wuhan Architectural Design Institute] ISSN: 10003959

Ruan, X. “Liangji Zijian: Hexie, Waihe Yu Huangjin Xintai [In-between: harmony, enclosure and environmental perceptions]”, Jianzhu Shi [The Architect], 1988, No. 31: 56-66, Beijing: Zhongguo Jianzhu Gongye Chubanshe [China Architecture and Building Press] ISBN: 7112003776

Authored Columns and Creative Written Work

Ruan, X. (14 February, 2017). “Why the Sydney Opera House is a little overcooked” in The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd.

Ruan, X. (27 September, 2016). “Dear Mr Trump: Here’s how you build a wall” in The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd.

Ruan, X. (5 August, 2016). “Why a building and its rooms should have a human character” in The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd.

Ruan, X. (14 July, 2016). “Shanghai, a modern metropolis born of a refugee crisis” in The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd.

Ruan, X. (21 January, 2016). “Why the million-dollar view is bad for our body and our soul” in The Conversation, The Conversation Media Group Ltd.

Non-refereed Articles in Journals and Conference Proceedings

Ruan, X. “Vale Sir Ian Athfield, the Genuine Architect”, in Architecture Australia, (v.104, no.3), May/June 2015:105-6. ISSN: 0003-8725

Ruan, X. “Shuitu xueren [Terroir and Scholar]”, in World Architecture (vol.299 – Special Issue: Anthology of Distinguished Architectural Alumni of South-East University) 2015: 48. ISSN: 1002-4832

Ruan, X. Book Review: Building Globalization: Transnational Architecture Production in Urban China, Xuefei Ren, University of Chicago Press, in Asian Studies Review (Vol.36 ) December, 2012: 551-594, London: Routledge

Ruan, X. “The Great Image Has No Form”, in Architecture Australia, (v.101, no.2, issue 0003-8725), March/April 2012:100. ISSN: 0003-8725 

Ruan, X. “Greed is the Enemy of Great, Ecological Life”, in Landscape Architecture China, (v.18), Issue 4, August 2011: 57-59. ISBN: 978-7-5038-6313-4

Ruan, X. Book Review: Architectus: Between Order and Opportunity, in Architecture Review Australia, (v.114, April) 2010: 18-20. ISSN: 1323367X 

Ruan, X. “Beijing Olympic Tennis Centre”, in Architecture Review Australia, (v.106, August) 2008: 78-87. ISSN: 1323367X

Ruan, X. “Sustained Awareness: The National Bank of Australia by Bligh Voller Nield”, in Architecture Review Australia, (v.92, March) 2005: 96-101. ISSN: 1323367X

Ruan, X. “The ‘Sins’ of Construction”, in Architecture Bulletin July/August:8, 2003, Sydney: RAIA NSW Chapter, ISSN:072908714

Ruan, X. Book Review: Chinese Architecture by Fu Xinian, Guo Daiheng, Liu Xujie, Pan Guxi, Qiao Yun and Sun Dazhang, Edited by Nancy S. Steinhardt, Yale University Press, in Architectural Theory Review (Vol.8 no.1) 2003: 96-97, Sydney: Sydney University

Ruan, X. “Aozhou Jianzhu de Liyou [The Reason for Australian Architecture]”, in World Architecture (vol.145 July) 2002: 25-26. ISSN: 1002-4832

Ruan, X. “A Well Tailored Fit: the Chinese Chancellery in Perth”, in Architecture Australia (January/February) 2002: 64-69. ISSN: 00038725

Ruan, X. “ Tiesheng Jianzhu [A Nice Fit: the Chinese Chancellery in East Perth]”, in A + D, 2001, No 3: 14-23, , Hong Kong: Linear International Publishing Limited: ISSN: 15632652

Ruan, X. “Jianzhu Jiaoyu Zatan [Notes on Architectural Education]”, in Shidai Jianzhu [Time + Architecture], 2001, special issue: 31-32, Shanghai: Tongji University. 

Ruan, X. “Double Possibilities: Dental 359”, Architecture Australia, 2001, May/June: 35-36, Melbourne: Architectural Media. ISSN: 00038725

Ruan, X. “Primitive Huts on the Beach”, Architecture Australia, 2001, March/April: 32, Melbourne: Architectural Media. ISSN: 00038725 (Unauthorised version in Perth newspaper “Post” on 4 April 2001)

Ruan, X. “Spatial Habitus and Questions of Meaning in Architecture: International Competition Entry for New Constitutional Court Building and Site of South Africa”, A +D, 2001, No. 1: 34-37, Hong Kong: Linear International Publishing Limited. ISSN: 15632652

Ruan, X. “Between Cultural Critique and Architectonics”, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Architectural Education in Twenty-first Century, Beijing: Peking University Graduate Centre for Architecture, 2000, p. 1-13.

Ruan, X. “Paper Architecture and the Real World”, in X. Ruan and S. Neile (eds.) Document 3, 1996, p. 60-62. Perth: Curtin University of Technology.

Other Publications

Ruan, X. Making and Inhabiting a Cultural Milieu: An Architectural Study of Meaning and Dong Architecture in Southern China, PhD Dissertation, Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington, 1996, (Supervisor: Clarence Aasen, examined by Roxana Waterson and Kim Dovey)

Ruan, X. Cong Changsuo Dao Changhe De Guocheng [From Place and Event to Form: a critical review of structuralist theory and practice in architecture], Master of Architecture Thesis, 1989, Nanjing: Southeast University

Architectural Design Studios:

All levels of both Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Architecture degrees, with featured studios of housing, mixed-use, art gallery and timber architecture. 


History and Theory:

A History of Housing – pattern and meaning (M Arch)

Architectural Knowledge Against Other Disciplines (M Arch)

Vernacular Architecture and Anthropology (M Arch)

Architectural Research Methods (M Arch)





52010.2-2011.2,澳大利亚-中国理事会拨款,澳大利亚政府外交事务与贸易部Australia-China Council Grant, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australian Government,项目负责人

62007.2-2011.2,澳大利亚研究理事会,Australian Research Council Linkage Grant,项目负责人

72007.2-2017,新南威尔士大学城市建筑环境学院,FBE Internal Grant,项目负责人

82003.10-2005.10,格雷汉姆基金会和亚洲文化理事会(美国)基金,The Graham Foundation and The Asian Cultural Council (USA),项目负责人

92002.2-2004.7,悉尼科技大学,UTS internal Grant,项目负责人

101995.2-2001.12,科廷大学,Curtin University Internal Grant,项目负责人

111993.6-1994.12,新西兰政府外交事务与贸易部亚洲开发基金委 NZ,高级研究员
