2020-11-1 21:27

设计学院关于推荐教育部 2020 年“优秀来华留学生”人选的通知 

2020/2021 Outstanding International Students Scholarship Selection Notice


To select and motivate international students studying in China who areknowledgeable and friendly towards China, excellent in character and academicperformance, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has now started the 2020/2021Outstanding International Students Scholarship Award Process. The notice is as follows:


 (一) 学校定向名额共10人




Fixed Quota Candidates: 

10Self-financed undergraduate or graduate students in the 2nd year or above. Award CriteriaProvide award and Certificate of Honor. Undergraduate: one-time reward RMB 18,000 /personGraduate: one-time reward RMB 30,000 /person

(二) 学校开放名额共3人



 Variable Quota candidates: 3For Chinese Government Scholarship Students in the 2nd year or above. Award CriteriaProvide award and Certificate of Honor.








1. Friendly attitude towards China, and excellent performance when studying inChina. 

2. Law-abiding, physically and mentally healthy, all-round development. 

3. Excellent academic achievements, competitive study and research ability. 

4. Actively participate in the practice activities on and off campus. 

5. Under the same conditions, families with financial difficulties are prioritized




1. 《中国政府奖学金申请表》(见附件 1)。

2. 《我的留华故事》一篇,字数不少于 800 字,内容包含来华学习的初衷,在华学习生活期间记忆深刻的经历和体会(需要有具体案例),以及对留学交大的总结和感悟,写作语言为英文或中文。

3. 其他支撑材料:各类国家级、省市级比赛的获奖证明或专利证明,担任学生干部或社会职务的证明,社会实践,文体活动等获奖证书或证明材料,有关宣传报道等。

Application Materials(Plz send e-mail to cheyiying@sjtu.edu.cn)

1. Application Form for Outstanding International Student Award 2020/2021(Attachment 1)

2. Essay entitled “My story of studying in China” with no less than 800 words;Content should include the original intention of studying in China, memorableexperience or feelings, and the summary or perception during the study life in SJTU(specific cases are required).Written language could be English or Chinese. 

3. Other supporting materials: For all types of state-level, provincial and municipalcompetitions. A copy of the winning certificate or patent certificate, certificates ofstudent cadres or associations and other supporting materials like personal-relatedreports.




 In addition to the above materials, variable quota candidate are required to providetable of published academic papers, article's retrieval certificate, accepting letter(other papers that are not as supporting materials reported) or other proofs ofparticipate in the patent, copy of the published article front page (including title, keywords, abstract and etc.) or cover and title page of monographs.


(一) 学生申请: 11 月 3日中午12:00前将电子版材料发至cheyiying@sjtu.edu.cn

(二) 学院评审: 11 月 4日前,学院组织评审并推荐定向名额候选人1-2 名,开放名额候选人 1 名。并通知相关候选人提交纸质版材料,若未接到通知则未收到推荐。

(三) 学校评审:

第一轮材料评审: 11月6日留学生发展中心与留学生服务中心组织校内材料评审,确定参加答辩的定向名额候选人。留学生发展中心通知进入第二轮面试答辩的候选人,候选人需要准备 5 分钟答辩 PPT。





Application Process

Oct 29- Nov 3 12:00am Student ApplicationStudents submit the above materials to school coordinator. 

Nov 3-Nov 4 School ReviewSchool review and recommend 1-2 fixed quota candidates and 1 open quota.

Nov 6 University Materials ReviewInternational Student Center & International Student Service Center organizes theevaluation of materials in the school and informs the quota candidates to prepare a5-min presentation for the online defense. 

Nov.11 Online Defense of Quota Candidates. 

Nov. 12 International Student Center & International Student Service Center willpublish the results on the official website Study@SJTU. The final result will be announced by China Scholarship Council(CSC).


