2023-10-7 16:59

讲座预告|模型乌托邦 Model Utopia




Model Utopia



Juliet Koss










Junyang WANG







Yunjing Lecture Hall


朱丽叶·科斯(Juliet Koss)是美国加利福尼亚州克莱蒙特斯(Claremont)克里普斯学院(Scripps College)的建筑与艺术史布里埃尔·容格尔斯-温克勒(Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler)教授,艺术历史系主任。她的出版和发表涉及现代艺术、建筑和设计广泛领域,特别关注德国和苏联。她是《瓦格纳后的现代主义》(Modernism after Wagner,明尼苏达大学出版社,2010年)一书的作者,该书获得了米拉德·迈斯(Millard Meiss)出版奖,且是2011年查尔斯·鲁弗斯·莫雷(Charles Rufus Morey)图书奖的三名最终候选人之一,该奖项每年由大学艺术协会颁发,表彰前一年在英语世界发表的特别杰出的艺术与建筑史著作。科斯目前正完成《模型苏联》(Model Soviets)一书,该书探讨了模型、尺度和即时性在20世纪20和30年代莫斯科的角色,将由麻省理工学院出版社(MIT Press)出版。科斯曾获得华盛顿特区国家美术馆视觉艺术高等研究中心、位于蒙特利尔的加拿大建筑中心、麻省威廉斯敦的克拉克艺术研究所(the Clark Art Institute)、洛杉矶的盖蒂研究所、德国洪堡基金会、国家人文科学基金等机构的研究奖学金。她2009年在柏林的美国学院担任研究员,2011年在柏林洪堡大学担任鲁道夫·阿恩海姆(Rudolf Arnheim)访问教授,以及2015-16年、2020年和2022-23年在哥伦比亚大学纽约分校哈里曼俄罗斯、欧亚和东欧研究所担任访问学者。

Juliet Koss is the Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler Professor of the History of Architecture and Art as well as the Chair of the Department of Art History at Scripps College in Claremont, California, USA. She has published widely on modern art, architecture, and design, with particular attention to Germany and the Soviet Union. She is the author of Modernism after Wagner (University of Minnesota Press, 2010), recipient of a Millard Meiss Publication Award and one of three finalists for the 2011 Charles Rufus Morey Book Award, given annually by the College Art Association to an especially distinguished book published the preceding year in English on the history of art and architecture. Koss is currently completing Model Soviets, a book on the role of models, scale, and temporality in 1920s and 1930s Moscow, for MIT Press. The recipient of fellowships from the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery in Washington DC, the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal, the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown Mass., the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, the Humboldt Foundation in Germany, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, among others, Koss was a Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin in 2009, the Rudolf Arnheim Visiting Professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 2011, and a Visiting Scholar at the Harriman Institute for Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies at Columbia University in New York in 2015-16, 2020, and 2022-23. 


在十月革命后的第一个十年,即构成主义的时代,模型在苏联文化中广泛流行. 它超越了如绘画和雕塑等陈旧的资产阶级艺术表现,呈现出一种创造性生产模式。这些模型作品,不论是作为空间形式实验还是作为未来建筑设计,都反映出早期苏联对建造、物质匮乏和贫困的痴迷。本次讲座关注莫伊谢·金兹堡、柳博芙·波波娃、弗拉基米尔·塔特林等杰出艺术家以及1920年创立的莫斯科高等艺术技术学院(VKHUTEMAS)的学生作品。探讨早期苏联模型的乌托邦语法和难以确定的视觉尺度,并尤其关注这些作品的摄影表现。我提出,在这个非凡的十年里,模型通过一种创造性的生产形式展示了苏联的未来;这种创造在借鉴建筑(模型)的基础上, 短暂地超越了建筑模型的范畴。

In the first decade after the October Revolution, the era of Constructivism, models pervaded Soviet culture, positing a mode of creative production that transcended such obsolete bourgeois categories as easel painting and sculpture. Whether made as spatial and formal experiments or as designs for future buildings, these works reflected an early Soviet obsession with construction as well as material paucity and poverty. Attending to works by such luminaries as Moisei Ginzburg, Liubov Popova, and Vladimir Tatlin and by students at VKhUTEMAS (Higher Art and Technical Studios), the school founded in Moscow in 1920, this talk explores the utopian grammar and indeterminate visual scale of early Soviet models, with particular attention to their photographic representation. For one extraordinary decade, I argue, models revealed the Soviet future through a form of creative production that borrowed from the realm of architecture to travel, briefly, beyond it.  

弗拉基米尔·塔特林(Vladimir Tatlin)及其助手们于1920年在苏联的彼得罗格勒(现为俄罗斯圣彼得堡)为第三国际纪念碑建造第一个模型(明胶银盐照片,摄影师不详,收藏于位于蒙特利尔的加拿大建筑中心)。

Vladimir Tatlin and his assistants constructing the first model for the monument to the Third International, Petrograd, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg, Russia), 1920. Gelatin silver print, photographer unknown. Collection Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal.


Student models on the topic "Interaction of Volumes: Plastic Construction" for the "Volume" course at the VKhUTEMAS (Higher Artistic Technical Workshops), Moscow, between 1920 and 1926. Gelatin silver print, photographer unknown. Collection Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal; Gift of Howard Schickler and David Lafaille.

莫伊谢·金兹堡(Moisei Ginzburg)/伊格纳缇·米利尼斯(Ignatii Milinis),莫斯科纳尔科姆芬社区住宅,1928-1930年。尤里·帕尔明(Yury Palmin)于2020年拍摄。

Moisei Ginzburg/Ignatii Milinis, Narkomfin Communal House, Moscow, 1928-30. Photograph by Yury Palmin, 2020.
