2023-9-21 10:03

WDCC 2023 | 设计赋能 跨界创新——未来设计峰会即将开启

由上海市政府主办的2023世界设计之都大会将于9月26日至10月2日在上海黄浦滨江拉开帷幕。大会以“设计无界 造化万象”为主题,聚焦未来城市建设与发展,围绕行业共生、数据驱动、包容平等、健康福祉、净零排放等全球话题开展探讨。

本次活动三大峰会之一的“设计赋能 跨界创新——未来设计峰会”由上海交通大学、华建集团联合主办,上海交通大学设计学院、华建集团华东建筑设计研究院有限公司承办,将于9月26日下午在2023世界设计之都大会C馆隆重开幕。



The 2023 World Design City Conference hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Government will kick off at the Huangpu Riverside in Shanghai from September 26 to October 2. With the theme of “Design Beyond Creativity”, the conference focuses on future urban construction and development, and discusses global topics such as industry symbiosis, data-driven, inclusiveness and equality, health and well-being, and net-zero emissions.

One of the three major summits of this event, “Design Empowers Cross-border Innovation” Future Design Summit is jointly organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Archplus Group, undertaken by School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and East China Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd., and will be held on the afternoon of September 26 at WDCC 2023 Hall C. 

Ruan Xing, Dean and Guangqi Chair Professor of School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, serves as the academic curator and convener of the summit. Academicians and top experts at home and abroad will be invited to focus on five major topics: future energy, future health, future materials, future intelligence and future space, involving multi-disciplinary integration and collision, and to use design as an engine of future human habitat.




1. Forward-looking design and industrial revolution: In-depth analysis of the latest frontiers of design in the five major industries of energy, health, materials, intelligence and space, opening up new horizons for future industrial development.

2. Multidisciplinary integration and industrial innovation: Summit topics range from Shanghai's current sustainable development and resilient city construction, to the green energy transformation under the goal of carbon neutrality, to future material innovation, future cities and disappearing robots... with design as the core, the five major fields will start together, cross-integrate and explore future industrial upgrading and innovation prospects.

3. Ten top academicians and guru at home and abroad to discuss future innovation: The event bring together ten top academicians and experts from the fields of energy, health, materials, intelligence and space around the world to share thoughts and insights and discuss how design empowers technology and industry to achieve cross-border innovation and jointly shape the future.

峰会主持 Moderator 


Zeng Xiaoqin


Dean of Office of Research Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

主旨讲话 Remarks


Gu Weihua


Chairman of the Board, Archplus Group Co., Ltd.


ZHang Ansheng


Vice President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

嘉宾信息  Keynotes


Huang Zhen


Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Central Committee for the Advancement of Democracy, and former Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


Anders Lindquist


Internationally renowned control theory expert, foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Chair Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


J. Alexander Schmidt

德国科学院院士,SBA GmbH创始合伙人、城市更新与古建保护首席专家。

Academician of the German Academy of Sciences, founding partner of SBA GmbH, chief expert in urban renewal and ancient building protection.


Yang Guangzhong


Academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Founder of the Hamline Surgical Robot Research Center at Imperial College, founder of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Medical Robot Research Institute, and chief scientist of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Medical Robot Research Institute.


Jiang Huancheng


Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, national engineering survey and design master, and senior chief engineer of Archplus Group. Engineering structure expert, mainly engaged in engineering building structure design research.


Michael Edward Meadows


President of the International Geographical Union (IGU), academician of the European Academy of Sciences, foreign member of the Royal South African Academy of Sciences and Chinese Geographical Society.


Akira Wada


Professor Emeritus of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, is recognized to be Japan’s leading expert in structural engineering with a specific focus on seismic structural design and resilient cities.


Michele Bonino


Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Dean of the Department of Architecture and Design, Director of the China Center, Politecnico di Torino; Visiting professor at Tsinghua University (2013-2014) and Visiting Scholar at MIT (2016).


Li Jie


Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chief Scientist of the National Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Distinguished Professor of Tongji University, Director of the Shanghai Institute of Disaster Prevention and Relief, and Chairman of the International Society for Structural Safety and Reliability.

报告主持及总结嘉宾  Moderator & Summary


Moderator for Keynotes 


Shen Lidong


President of Archplus Group Co., Ltd.


Moderator for Keynotes 


Wang Dasui


National engineering survey and design master, consultant and senior chief engineer of Archplus Group East China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co. , Ltd.

尖峰对谈一 主持

Moderator for Summit Dialogue 1


Ruan Xing

(肖像摄影:逄小威 Photography by Pang Xiaowei)


Dean and Guangqi Chair Professor of Architecture at School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 

尖峰论坛二 主持

Moderator for Summit Dialogue 2


Michele Bonino


Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Dean of the Department of Architecture and Design,  Politecnico di Torino.

总结 summary


Niu Bin


General Manager, East China Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd.

活动安排 Program



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Opening Remarks


Lunching of the Future Design Cross-border Cooperation



 Keynotes (Ⅰ)



Summit Dialogue 1: Future Industries and Cities



Keynotes (Ⅱ)



Summit Dialogue 2: Future Cities and Architecture



Summary and closing


Please scan the QR code for registration of the event


"Future Industries" Themed Exhibition Presented by Shanghai Jiao Tong University



本次展览聚焦“未来产业”,以深度沉浸式的视觉空间形式,通过交大设计近年策展的第18届威尼斯国际建筑双年展中国国家馆展览,以及发起并连续主办的FourC Challenge 24小时全球设计挑战赛等示范性成果,集中呈现交大人基于“未来能源”、“未来健康”、“未来材料”、“未来智能”以及“未来空间”的深度思考,以及大学的使命担当,不断推动设计创新,服务社会发展。也为上海建设世界一流设计之都注入了创新动力,为未来设计产业的发展提供了新的启示、新思路、新方法和新选择。

Design is the power to change the world, the key to shaping the future, and bringing a better life to people. Shanghai Jiao Tong University integrated the high-quality resources of design disciplines across the school, reorganized and created the “Innovative Design” discipline group, covering three first-level disciplines of architecture, design and landscape architecture, and has been included in the university’s "Double First-Class" key construction discipline groups.

Over the past 30 years, the design disciplines at Shanghai Jiao Tong have pursued a harmonious communion of humanities, arts, science and technology for educating elite talents in the built environment, art and design fields. The programs have been distinguished by attributes of social conscience, leadership, cosmopolitanism and truth-seeking spirit. Their achievements in education, research, practice, social service and international reach have earned worldwide recognition.

This exhibition focuses on “Future Industries”, in the form of a deep immersive visual effects, through the series of events such as the International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia – China Pavilion and the FourC Challenge 24-hour Global Design Challenge to focus on the in-depth thinking of future energy, future health, future materials, future intelligence and future space based on the Shanghai Jiao Tong character, as well as the university’s mission to promote design innovation and serving the social development. It also injects innovative power into Shanghai's construction of a world-class design city and provides new inspiration, ideas, methods and opportunities for the future development of the design industry.




Date: September 26th - October 2nd

Venue: 2023 World Design Capital Conference Industry Hall

(China Shipbuilding Museum Exhibition Hall, No. 18 Longhua East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai)

Free registration link for the public:

