2020-7-30 12:55
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Landscape Architecture


Our Educational Philosophy

The landscape architecture department provides students with an “only in Shanghai,” “only in Shanghai Jiao Tong University” design education. Its focus on landscape planning and design is centered around studies into ecological restoration and plant use that are rooted in the university’s unique interdisciplinary culture. In this context, students are provided with a solid foundation in both the arts and technology. Education consists of a rich integration of the fields of landscape architecture, architectural design and planning, aesthetics, human sociology, botany, environmental studies, and other fields.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s tradition is to combine theory and practice in education. In our department, this provides students with opportunities to study, and furthermore to implement their ideas in workshops, in real world exercises, and in collaboration with professionals on a global scale. This allows students to gain a deep understanding of multiple academic fields, and to hone their practical abilities. It also is a cornerstone of our global platform for our teachers and students. We equip our students with a global perspective, and provide them with opportunities for international exchange. Doing so is vital for developing our students’ abilities.

Our Objective

To produce talented industry leaders, path-breaking teachers, and master practitioners in the field by promoting a spirit of innovation together with a solid foundation in craft.   

Our Model

We focus on a global approach, interdisciplinary education, and a standard of overall  professionalism. At its core, education in the department is defined by strengthening areas vital to work in the field together with deep study into related engineering technology. Our overarching model is to provide students with comprehensive technical capabilities. We seek to deepen students’ theoretical understanding of—and practical experience with—technical innovation, as well as with management skills in the industry. 

Our Values 

We aspire to cultivate an integral design outlook in our students. We see this as vital for instilling professional values and for developing one’s craft.  

As part of this education, we promote a multicultural understanding of design, vital for both international work, and for a close familiarity with China. We aim to instill an environmental consciousness in our students to help them deepen their studies into ecological factors in design. 

Our Vision for Future Advancement

1. Harnessing our special community and location to train innovative and talented landscape personnel

Our campus is not only served by Jiao Tong University. It is served by the the city of Shanghai. The unique commercial, social, cultural, and environmental aspects of the city allow us to deepen exchange and collaboration domestically and internationally. It is the ideal place for fostering an elite cohort of innovators, who are both multi-talented and globally minded.

2. Achieving the highest-standards for interdisciplinary research into landscape architecture

Jiao Tong University boasts first class resources for scientific research as well as the top talent in many fields. Our department is a bridge between these resources and urban development strategy at the national and local levels.


3. Serving as a social resource for landscape research into urban development 

In addition to deepening governmental and academic cooperation for innovative research, we have a specific mission to shape the future of our municipal region. We have a role to play in harnessing the growth of Shanghai and of the wider Yangtze River delta region for the benefit of the entire country. In order to accomplish this, our work can help focus strategic work and research in the landscape architecture industry on this objective. 


Academic History

Shanghai Jiao Tong University is one of the first elite schools in China to have offered a major in landscape architecture. In 1995, the Shanghai municipal government decided to make the study of landscape architecture a priority. In 2001 our department began to center studies in our masters program on “landscape plants and public art.”  


In 2002, China’s Ministry of Education conducted its second national review of undergraduate landscape architecture programs. It deemed Shanghai Jiao Tong’s program to be the fourth best in the nation. In 2005, it was ranked as a leading program for training masters students. Subsequently, it was evaluated to be the top-rated doctoral program for research into natural resources and the environment, plant biology, technology, ecology, and horticultural arts. In 2011 the program was assessed to be a top-rated masters program in landscape architecture. In 2015, the program was ranked to be a top-rated doctoral program for interdisciplinary design and engineering.
