2023-6-8 18:26
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FourC Challenge 24-hour Charrette Contest


General Schedule

June 10 – 11, 2023 (GMT/UTC+8)


 Language Used

The official language used in this charrette contest is English. All participants should communicate in English throughout the whole process.


  Keynote Speakers

Michele Bonino

Vice Rector, Polytechnic University of Turin

Pro. Bonino's research focuses on Reuse of industrial heritage and Urban design. He was the Academic Curator of the Shenzhen 2019 Architecture / Urbanism Biennale with Sun Yimin. For the Politecnico he coordinated the architectural design of the Visitor Center for the XXIV Winter Olympic Games (Beijing 2022, Shougang site) and curated the "China Goes Urban" exhibition at the Oriental Art Museum of Turin (with F. Governaand S. Pellecchia, 2020-21). He participated in the Venice Bienniale of 2004, 2010 (Italy Pavilion) and 2021 (China Pavilion).

HUA Ying

Associate Professor, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University

Academic Director of Cornell China Center

HUA Ying came from a background of architecture, building science and behavioral science. She has been conducting research on methodology for post-occupancy evaluation (POE); impact of a variety of workplace concepts and strategies on behavioral and organizational outcomes; and the interaction between occupants and building systems and resulted influence on building performance. It is her goal to inform the design, delivery, operation, management and re-engineering of built environments and building sector policy-making to enhance the quality of built environments, support health and performance of their occupants, and facilitate the delivery of business goals; and to mitigate the building sector's impact on global climate change.

ZHOU Hongtao

Shanghai Oriental Scholar Distinguished Professor, Professor of College of Design and Innovation (D&I) and Vice Dean of Shanghai International College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

Prof. Zhou is a recipient of National Art Fund and Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award. Dr. ZHOU has exhibited at the 40th anniversary opening exhibition Printing the World at Centre Pompidou, the Venice Biennale and the Milan Triennial. His work has been acquired into the permanent collections of Centre Pompidou, UC-Berkeley Art Museum, the University of Virginia and many other institutions and private collections. His research focus on environmental design, furniture design, sculpture installation, material innovation, sustainable design, and art curation.

LIU Hung-Chih

Senior Vice President of AECOM, the Leader for Strategy & Development and Cities Market Sector in China

Mr. LIU is graduated from Harvard University with Master degree of Architecture in Urban Design. With more than 30 years professional experience and development, Mr.Liu is able to master the key issues and integrated solutions for urban development of various contexts, ensuring the delivery of sustainable value for clients and the environment.


Jury Members


CHEN Ruishan

Vice Dean and Professor, School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research areas: Land space development and ecological environment governance

DING Xiong

Associate Professor, School of Innovation Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.

Research areas: Service Design, Product Service System Design

HAN Ting

Professor, School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research areas: design management and strategy, user research and development, experience and interaction design

HUA Ying

Associate Professor, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, Academic Director of Cornell China Center

Research areas: methodology for post-occupancy evaluation (POE); impact of a variety of workplace concepts and strategies on behavioral and organizational outcomes; and the interaction between occupants and building systems and resulted influence on building performance


Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong

Research areas: the impacts of built environments on human health and wellbeing, environmental justice and security, Virtual Reality Lab of Urban Environments and Human Health

Benny Leong

Professor of Practice, School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Research areas: Lifestyle Design Research, Design for Sustainability,  Integrative Design Thinking

LIN Chiming

President, bpi (brandston partnership inc.)

Research areas: Architectural lighting design

Anna Irene Del Monaco

Associate Professor with tenure in Architectural and Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome

Research areas: Cities in transformation (Western, Asian, African), Life and Works of masters of architecture, Architectural Design and Theories in historical and newly funded urban and non-urban contexts

Research areas: Composition and Theories of Architecture

CHIU Hsin-Hsien

School Academic Committee/ Chair of Dept. of Design, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology

Research areas: Human-Computer Interaction, Intelligent Environments, Virtual Environments, Aging Design

SHAO Jizhong

Professor, College of Horticulture & Forestry Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University.

Research areas: Digital landscape architecture, Digital urban planning, Urban underground space planning and design 

Ivan Valin

Head of the Division of Landscape Architecture  and an Associate Professor of Practice at the University of Hong Kong

Research areas: His ongoing research and design is seated in a multidisciplinary background and explores urban and environmental design at the intersections of strategy, technology, and deta


Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation-BUAA, Beihang Universityz

Research areas: user experience design, intelligent product design

XIAO Dongjuan

Associate Professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University

Research areas: Product & Service System Design

WU Hong

Associate Professor, College of Arts and Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University

Research areas: Urban hydrology, stormwater management 

Simon YUE

Teaching Fellow, School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research areas: Liquid Modernity and Cross Disciplinary Practice 


Professor, Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Oklahoma State University.

Research areas: design research


Associate Professor, School of Design, Hunan University

Research areas: Design for Sustainability, Service Design


Professor, College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University

Research areas: Artificial Intelligence, Design Science


Associate Professor, School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University

Research areas: Landscape design and history, Landscape planning design




Award Settings


Past Participate Institutions


Exhibition & Award and Closing Ceremony

本届竞赛将更重视有效性及落地性,与联合国工业发展组织(United Nations Industrial Development Organization,简称UNIDO)合作,聚焦设计创新的技术转化和市场应用,以资本解读案例的方式提高对创新设计的关注度。竞赛优秀成果将于2023年6月15-17日在第九届中国(上海)国际技术进出口交易会(简称“上交会”)上进行展示,并将被推荐予著名企业,有机会继续深化并落地转化。

本届竞赛颁奖典礼暨上交会UNIDO DAY将于6月16日在上海世博展览馆2号会议室举办。来自UNIDO、商务部、上海市政府、上海交通大学,以及业界和学界的专家将出席活动并作主题分享。获奖团队将受邀线下出席并见证这一盛会。

