2021-5-7 15:00
read 434

Theme of 2021 | ReVive

Since the outbreak in 2020, at this extra-ordinary time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been facing unprecedented challenges. While we are stepping into the post-epidemic era, our lives have undergone tremendous change. It is against this background that we propose schools and universities from around the world join hands with design concepts to promote rehabilitation and enhance resilience of human society.

Design—in addition to enriching our lives—should do more at times of uncertainty, such as healing wounds, enshrining hopes, rebuilding interpersonal communications, reshaping harmonious relationships between people and the environment, and improving public health. It is our hope that participants will uphold the "people-centred" concept and professionalism. Through ideas and design products, the aim of this year’s contest is to find designed ways to heal people's mind, embrace empathy and respect, and of more importance revive peoples’ health and spirit in the post-epidemic era. We firmly believe that the power of design can help promote the rehabilitation and enhance resilience of human society.

The theme for this year is “ReVive” - to enhance the wellbeing of humankind and the rehabilitation of a post-pandemic society.
