2020-6-23 16:49
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FourC Challenge 24-hour Charrette Contest

The FourC Challenge stands for Create, Connect, Communicate, and Collaborate. It advocates students pay attention to the development trend of human society, create innovative ideas in practice and pursuit the optimal design for solving real life problems. At the same time, they must show the courage to subvert in order to create works with social and industrial value. This combination of theory and practice lays the groundwork for a sustainable, healthy, and beautiful living environment.

86400 seconds, 1440 minutes, 24 hours, can be an ordinary day or a day full of creative passion and sparks. While Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design will link up with well-known universities at home and abroad in the form of online design contest. Working with teammates of different nations and backgrounds, during this 24-hour period each team will bring a unique perspective, aimed at exploring and solving social problems, as well as proposing innovative, forward-looking and practical design solutions that rest on solid scientific ground.


Theme of 2020

In early 2020, as a sudden outbreak of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) quietly raged, we all began to face unprecedented challenges. One of which, caused by a long period of isolation and quarantine, is the increasing gap and misunderstanding between people and states. Driven by this concern, we propose that schools and universities from different parts of the world reconnect through gathering people's minds with design strength, and join hands with design concepts to fight against the pandemic and its socio-cultural side effects. In this way, future young designers can enhance understanding, strengthen cooperation, while new thoughts and solutions for facing global crisis can be put forward.

The theme for this year is “ReConnect” - to regain connections disrupted by the outbreak, using design to rebuild people's confidence in life.


Plan of 2020


June 6 – 7, 2020 (GMT/UTC+8)


The challenge will be held entirely online. Students are encouraged to join in interdisciplinary teams. To achieve better communication and connectivity among students with different nationalities and social backgrounds, participants will be divided into mixed groups. The grouping results will be announced on the day of the contest.

The challenge will be in form of online Make-a-thon. The participating groups will produce creative design online, based on the "ReConnect" theme within 24 hours. Laptop computer, program software, etc. and prototype production materials required for the contest shall be provided by the participants themselves.

Presentation of Achievements

Participants will present their works by demonstration video display, and the judging panel will comprehensively review all works based on factors such as innovation and creativity, integrity, technical rationality, and prospects for application etc.

Each team should submit a 3-minute demo video (in MP4, AVI, MOV or other format) to explain core design concepts and relevant work results. An electronic manuscript (in format of PDF) of the work introduction is also required. The content should include but not limited to the project name, a design drawing sketch, and a description of the work within 150 words. At the same time, teams may submit supporting electronic files such as prototype pictures / videos, design and manufacture procedure, etc.


Guidance           China Industrial Design Association

Sponsor            Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design

Implementation      IIDE Program Center

Judging Panel

The judging panel is composed of cross-border experts, including Eminent academics, professionals and industry leaders, and experts in medical and health-related authorities.

Prizes & Awards

The judging panel will undertake a comprehensive assessment of the finalists based on the demo videos of the submitted works. Winners will be awarded substantive prizes and will have opportunities for product incubation.

This 24-hour event is not all devoted to competition. Eminent academics, professionals and industry leaders will give keynote speeches to provide students with inspiration and knowledge. Medical experts will also introduce participants to the background of public health and prevention of COVID-19. It is a 24-hours-of-mutual-learning and communication. But of more importance, we would like to take this opportunity to connect and deepen our understandings of each other. We also hope that participating students and schools will share the conviction that, despite the diversity and vast geographic distances, people can always connect with each other through caring. This is the ultimate goal of our engagement in design.

It’s early summer in this part of the world. Flowers are blooming regardless of people’s doing. Although we are unable to meet and greet each other in person, we believe we will be able to do something meaningful online and leave long-lasting memories. The pandemic will not separate us but bring us even closer. Look forward to “meeting” you in June.



There is no registration fee. Register by school as a unit, please directly send the “FourC Challenge 24-hour Charrette Contest Registration Form” to the official registration e-mailbox: sdesign@sjtu.edu.cn. After reviewing materials, the organizer will notify participants by phone or email along with a guide to the contest and other relevant information.

Deadline: 20:00 May 25, 2020 (GMT/UTC+8)


General Schedule

June 6 – 7, 2020  (GMT/UTC+8)

2020/6/6   8:30-9:50   Opening & Keynote Speech

9:50-10:00  Announcement of Plan & Grouping

2020/6/6   10:00 – 2020/6/7   10:00   Worktime & Submission

(2020/6/6  17:00 - 18:00   Group Tutoring)

2020/6/7   10:00-12:00   Group Presentation & Work Review

12:00-20:00   Rest

20:00-21:00   Award & Closing
