Fujie Rao is a tenure-track assistant professor of architecture in the School of Design. Major research areas include urban design and planning, urban morphology, and human geography. Previous projects cover three key topics comprising 1) shopping centre: genealogy, typomorphology, resilience, and urbanity; 2) Deleuzian assemblage theory in urban studies; and 3) retail resilience.
Fujie has published on JCR Q1/2 journals such as Cities, Urban Studies, and Geography Compass, and on quality journals themed on urban design such as Journal of Urban Design and Urban Design International. Fujie has also acted as a reviewer for six SCI/SSCI journals such as Geography Compass and Urban Design International.
Existing research focuses on 1) typomorphology, resilience, and urbanity of shopping centres amid the rise of online shopping; 2) shopping morphology and transit-oriented morphology; and 3) typomorphology and spatial/temporal distribution of contemporary shopping centres in the United States.
Bachelor of Management, Land Resources Management, Zhejiang University, 2007-2011
Master of Arts, Human Geography and Planning, University of Alberta, 2011-2014
PhD, Urban Design and Planning, University of Melbourne, 2015-2019
2020: SHCEF Research Award, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2015-2019: Melbourne International Research Scholarship, University of Melbourne
2017: Dean’s Prize for Best Published Postgraduate Research | Refereed & Co-Authored, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne
2011-2013: Thesis-Based Master’s Recruitment Scholarship, University of Alberta
2011: University of Alberta Summer Research Internship, University of Alberta
2011: Honour Graduate, Zhejiang Provincial Institutions of Post-Secondary Education
The following references were ordered by Clarivate Journal Impact Factors. The number of citations was retrieved from Google Scholar (2020/12/27):
Rao F and Summers RJ. 2016. Planning for retail resilience: Comparing Edmonton and Portland. Cities, 58: 97-106, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2016.05.002
Cited by 30 | SSCI (JCR Q1; IF = 4.802)
Dovey K, Rao F and Pafka E. 2018. Agglomeration and assemblage: Deterritorialising urban theory. Urban Studies, 55(2): 263-273, http://doi.org/10.1177/0042098017711650
Cited by 20 | SSCI (JCR Q2; IF = 2.828)
Rao F. 2019. Resilient forms of shopping centres amid the rise of online retailing: Towards the urban experience. Sustainability, 11(15), 3999, https://doi.org/10.3390/su11153999
Cited by 9 | SCI & SSCI (JCR Q2; IF = 2.576)
Rao F. 2020. Unravelling digital/material shopping spaces: An assemblage approach. Geography Compass, 14(11): e12539, https://doi.org/10.1111/gec3.12539
SSCI (JCR Q2; IF = 2.563)
Rao F. 2020. Shopping centre morphologies in transition: Towards a morphological typology of retail synergies. Urban Design International, 25(4): 310-327, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41289-020-00114-w
Cited by 2 | SSCI (JCR Q4; IF = 0.875)
Rao F, Dovey K and Pafka E. 2018. Towards a genealogy of urban shopping: types, adaptations and resilience. Journal of Urban Design, 23(4): 544-557, http://doi.org/10.1080/13574809.2017.1405726
Cited by 9 | ESCI |
Urban and Regional Planning Theories (ARCH6402; postgraduate subject)
Shopping Centre Design: Genealogy, Typology and Morphology (postgraduate subject)
2020, Shopping, Transit and Urbanity, supported by Early Career Researcher Grants (Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne), 4,998 AUD, Co-Investigator
2017-2019, Exploring the Socio-Spatial Impact of Online Shopping on Cities, supported by Faculty PhD Fieldwork Grant (Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne), 3,500 AUD, PI
2017-2019, Industrial Agglomeration and Innovation: Comparing Baltimore and Melbourne, supported by U21 Graduate Collaborative Research Grant (University of Birmingham, UK), 4,880 USD, Co-Investigator