HAN Ting
Professor, Ph.D., Doctoral Supervisor School of Design & Institute of Medical Robotics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • introduction
  • Awards & Prizes
  • Monographs
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  • Research
  • introduction
  • Awards & Prizes
  • Monographs
  • Journal articles
  • Courses
  • Research

Han Ting, professor at the School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, serves as a doctoral supervisor and a concurrent professor at the Institute of Medical Robotics. He holds several prestigious positions including the Vice Chairman of the Industrial Design Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, the Vice Chairman of the Computer-Aided Industrial Design Committee of the China Graphics Society, and is a member of the National Education Steering Committee for Postgraduate Degrees in Design, the Ministry of Education's Industrial Design Teaching Steering Subcommittee, and the Academic Committee of the Xie Youbai Design Science Research Fund. He leads the Shanghai Municipal Science Commission's Innovative Design Workstation, the Shanghai Design Innovation Center (Intelligent Medical and Health Design), and the city's university student cultural and creative practice base, and is a director of the Shanghai Design Capital Promotion Center.

Recognized as a "Yangtze River Scholar" young scholar by the Ministry of Education in 2019 and a distinguished professor in 2022, Han Ting has also been awarded the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, the National Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award, and the Tang Lixin Outstanding Scholar Award. He is one of the top ten educators in the China Industrial Design Association. Under his leadership, more than ten national and provincial-level projects have been conducted, including key national research and development topics, the National Social Science Fund, the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Fund, and the Shanghai Social Science Fund. He has undertaken research projects for the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Science and Technology Committee of COMAC, the Shanghai Municipal Science Commission, and the "Global Research Outreach Program GRO" project of Samsung's Advanced Institute of Technology in Korea. With three published monographs, over 50 high-level papers indexed in CSSCI, SCI, SSCI, and more, he holds more than ten patents and software copyright authorizations.

His accolades include the second prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award (ranked fourth), the first prize of the Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award (ranked first), the second prize (ranked first), and the second prize for academic works in the Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award (ranked uniquely).

Han Ting has been distinguished with several prestigious awards and positions in the academic and professional fields. His accomplishments include:

  • Distinguished Professor under the Ministry of Education's "Yangtze River Scholars Award Program" (2022).
  • Young Scholar under the same program (2019).
  • National Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award (2019).
  • One of the Top Ten Design Education Workers by the China Industrial Design Association (2021).
  • Shanghai Pujiang Talent Plan selection (2013).
  • Second Prize in the Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award from the Ministry of Education (2022).
  • Second Prize in the Shanghai Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award (2022).
  • First Prize in the Shanghai Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award (2017).

Additionally, he holds various leadership roles:

  • Deputy Secretary-General of the China Innovative Design Industry Alliance.
  • Vice Chairman of the Industrial Design Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society.
  • Vice President of the Smart Elderly Care and Technology Research and Development Service Branch of the China Social Welfare and Pension Service Association.
  • Vice Chairman of the Computer-Aided Industrial Design Committee of the China Graphics Society.
  • Vice Chairman of the Professional Committee on Design Research of the China Industrial Design Association.
  • Vice Chairman of the Packaging Education Professional Committee of the China Packaging Federation.
  • Vice Chairman of the Intelligent Design and Transmission Special Committee of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Society.

User research and experience design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2016.06.

​Zhu, D., Zhu, B., Zhao, J., Zhang, C., He, J., Song, D., & Han, T. (2024). Investigation on the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Memory Training Game for Chinese Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Games for Health Journal, 13(1), 5-12. doi:10.1089/g4h.2022.0183

Zhu, D., Song, D., Zhu, B., Zhao, J., Li, Y., Zhang, C., . . . Han, T. (2024). Understanding complex interactions between neighborhood environment and personal perception in affecting walking behavior of older adults: A random forest approach combined with human-machine adversarial framework. Cities, 146, 104737. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104737

Zhou, T. T., Ming, X. G., Han, T., Bao, Y. G., Liao, X. Q., Tong, Q. F., . . . Chen, Z. H. (2023). Smart experience-oriented customer requirement analysis for smart product service system: A novel hesitant fuzzy linguistic cloud DEMATEL method. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 56. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2023.101917

Li, S., Zheng, H., Han, T., Hu, J., Zhang, C., & Yu, C. (2023). Enhanced Presence Evaluation in Virtual Reality Feedback System with TOPSIS Model. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-15. doi:10.1080/10447318.2023.2263697

Zhang, C. Q., Han, T., Tan, X. Y., Yu, C., Li, S., Zheng, H. T., . . . Shen, T. J. (2023). Effect of Exergame Intervention on Balance Ability of Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Games for Health Journal, 12(3), 249-258. doi:10.1089/g4h.2022.0182

Yuan, W., Chang, D., & Han, T. (2023). A context-aware smart product-service system development approach and application case. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 183, 109468. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2023.109468

​Qiu, S., Kaisar, E., Ding, R. B., Han, T., Hu, J., & Rauterberg, M. (2023). Social Balance Ball: Designing and Evaluating an Exergame That Promotes Social Interaction between Older and Younger Players. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. doi:10.1080/10447318.2023.2175157

​Qiu, S., Hu, J., Han, T., & Rauterberg, M. (2023). Can blindfolded users replace blind ones in product testing? an empirical study. Behaviour & Information Technology. doi:10.1080/0144929x.2023.2226768

​Qiu, S., An, P. C., Kang, K., Hu, J., Han, T., & Rauterberg, M. (2023). Investigating socially assistive systems from system design and evaluation: a systematic review. Universal Access in the Information Society, 22(2), 609-633. doi:10.1007/s10209-021-00852-w​

Song, D., Wenyi, Y., Chao, M., & Ting, H. (2022.12). A modular visuo-haptic mixed reality (VHMR) aided prototype technique for in-vehicle HMI evaluations. Journal of Engineering Design

Qiu, S., An, P., Kang, K., Hu, J., Han, T., & Rauterberg, M. (2021). Investigating socially assistive systems from system design and evaluation: a systematic review. Universal Access in the Information Society. doi:10.1007/s10209-021-00852-w

​Constantinides, A., Fidas, C., Belk, M., Pietron, A. M., Han, T., & Pitsillides, A*. (2021). From hot-spots towards experience-spots: Leveraging on users sociocultural experiences to enhance security in cued-recall graphical authentication. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 149. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2021.102602

Qiu, S., Hu, J., Han, T., Osawa, H., & Rauterberg, M. (2020). An Evaluation of a Wearable Assistive Device for Augmenting Social Interactions. IEEE Access, 8, 164661-164677. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3022425

​Qiu, S., Hu, J., Han, T., Osawa, H., & Rauterberg, M. (2020). Social Glasses: Simulating Interactive Gaze for Visually Impaired People in Face-to-Face Communication. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 36(9), 839-855. doi:10.1080/10447318.2019.1696513

​Qiu, S., An, P., Hu, J., Han, T., & Rauterberg, M. (2020). Understanding visually impaired peoples experiences of social signal perception in face-to-face communication. Universal Access in the Information Society, 19(4), 873-890. doi:10.1007/s10209-019-00698-3

宋东瑾, & 韩挺. (2021). 为开放而设计:生活实验室(Living Labs)的系统性文献综述. 南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)(03), 23-29.

​韩挺. (2019). 通过设计思维建立驱动社会创新和资源的系统. 设计, 32(18), 34-39. 

​马旭娜, 韩挺,杨艳, 用于改善老年住院患者睡眠质量的眼耳一体罩的设计研究. 包装工程(CSCD), 2018(02): p. 26-31.

韩挺,杨艳, 互联网+时代下的医疗产品服务设计,美术观察(CSSCI), 2016(10): 20-21

韩挺,佐藤敬一, 基于设计信息框架的用户体验和行为,西北大学学报(自然科学版)(CSCD), 2012(03): 389-394

韩挺, 孙守迁,潘云鹤, 基于消费者认知的产品形态偏好预测系统,上海交通大学学报(EI), 2009(04): 606-611

 Yu, J., Ma X., Han T., Usability comparison of text CAPTCHAs based on English and Chinese, 8th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design, CCD 2016 and Held as Part of 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2016, 7.17-7.22

Qiu, J., Han T., Integrated model for workload assessment based on multiple physiological parameters measurement, 13th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, EPCE 2016 and Held as Part of 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2016, 7.17-7.22

Yang, Y., Yu, J., Cai, W.,Han, T., Comparison research between ICT-based design and traditional design for hearing impaired children: A case study on speech training tool, 9th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2015 Held as Part of 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, United states, 2015.82-8.7

 Cai, W., Liu, J., Liu, Q., Han, T., User experience research on the rehabilitation system of speech-impaired children: A case study on speech training product, 4th International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability, DUXU 2015 Held as Part of 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, United states, 2015.82-8.7

Jing, J., Liu, Q., Cai, W., Ying, Y. &Han, T., Design knowledge framework based on parametric representation: A case study of cockpit form style design. in 16th International Conference on Human Interface and the Management of Information: Information and Knowledge Design and Evaluation, HCI International, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2014.6.22-27

  • User Research Methods, Fall Semester, 2 Credits;
  • The Art of Design Innovation, Spring Semester, 2 Credits;
  • Product Design (2), Spring Semester, 5 Credits;
  • Innovative Design Thinking (Research - Academic Track), Fall Semester, 2 Credits;
  • User Experience and Service Value (Research - Professional Track, in collaboration with NetEase and the Medical School), Spring Semester, 3 Credits;
  • Intelligent Mobility Design (Research - Professional Track, in collaboration with SAIC Design Center), Fall Semester, 3 Credits.

1) National Key Research and Development Program "Industrial Software" Key Project during the 14th Five-Year Plan, supporting research on modeling the design process of problem restructuring and solution evolution, January 2023 - December 2025, ongoing, leading;

2) General project of the National Social Science Fund, building a clinical care model for the elderly based on narrative medicine and experience design, June 2018 - June 2023, completed, leading;

3) Sub-project of the major project of the National Social Science Fund, application practice research on design morphology for industrial products in the context of design morphology and engineering, 2018 - 2022, completed, leading;

4) Project of the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund, strategies for optimizing the service experience of medical products based on PCC, June 2017 - December 2020, completed, leading;

5) Sub-project of a major consultation project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, research on roadmap for enhancing innovative design capabilities through innovative design education, 2013-ZD-15-10-3, September 2014 - December 2015, completed, leading;

6) Study on the competitiveness of enterprise (industry) design, key consultation sub-project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, June 2015 - December 2017, completed, leading;

7) Shanghai Pujiang Talent Plan, 2013, Design Studies;

8) Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" planning project, 2012BCK001, research on the cognition of cultural goods by designers and consumers against the backdrop of a creative city, January 2013 - December 2018, completed, leading;

9) International cooperation project, Research on Users’ Experience and Design Value on Paper Use with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, October 2012 - October 2013, completed, leading;

10) Cisco Systems (China) Co., Ltd., usability testing and user experience research for Cisco's "Spring Roll" system, completed, leading;

11) Hongtao Industrial Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., interface design and system development for the Niu Finance website platform, completed, leading;

12) Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, research on the visualization evaluation platform for interior design of commercial aircraft, completed, leading;

13) Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, experiments on parametric representation and visual efficacy evaluation of cockpit interior design, completed, leading;

14) Danyang Prosthetic Factory, industrial design for medical prosthetics, completed, leading;

15) Shanghai Shengyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., industrial design for portable "medical emergency kits", completed, leading;

16) Shanghai Shengyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., industrial design for "public place AED emergency kits", completed, leading;

17) Hanshin Corporation of Korea, field study and development issue extraction on the living situation of single residents in China and Korea, completed, leading;

18) Shanghai Shengshang Culture Communication Co., Ltd., user experience and interface design for the mobile version of Love for Tao Class, completed, leading.
