DU Qian
Associate Professor
  • introduction
  • Awards & Prizes
  • Monographs
  • Journal articles
  • Courses
  • Research
  • introduction
  • Awards & Prizes
  • Monographs
  • Journal articles
  • Courses
  • Research

Dr Qian Du, Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, finished her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Chongqing University (China) and Politecnico di Torino (Italy) respectively.

Under her career at Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage in Beijing and Andrea Bruno Studio in Torino, Dr Du participated in the projects including research on Dayizhi (Large Ruins) conservation, study on cultural landscape of traditional village, UNESCO digitization project of historic archive of Afghanistan, restoration and rehabilitation project of Vieille Charité in Marseille.

Dr Du is currently the course director of M.Arch. (International) programme, the vice director of the International Research Centre for Architectural Heritage Conservation, SJTU (IRCAHC), the vice secretary-general of the Historic Building Conservation Sector of Shanghai Exploration & Design Trade Association (SEDTA), and the principal of university’s ‘Save the Traditional Village’ campaign. She has played an important role in cultural heritage conservation practice, including the conservation and renewal of Zhangyuan in Shanghai, conservation plan for university’s Xuhui Campus, World Heritage designation for Xinchang Ancient Town in Shanghai, etc. Dr Du has also been a core curation team member for Shanghai Urban Space Art Season (SUSAS) 2019 and the Chinese Pavilion for Mostra di Architettura della Biennale Venezia 2023.

Dr Du’s research interest covers theory of architectural conservation, conservation technology, history of building technology, conservation for traditional rural settlement, etc., especially in the comparison of conserving and revitalising architectural heritage under cross-cultural context.

She is willing to supervise master student in history and theory of architecture.

​1. Shortlisted for “Science, She Says” from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in 2023.

2. “Excellent Instructor” in the “Zhixing Bei” Shanghai University Student Social Practice Competition in 2022.

3. In 2022, the “Sanxiaxiang” social practice excellent brand project.

4. In 2022, awarded as an excellent instructor in the 4th Shanghai University Student Architectural Design Competition of “Guanglianda Star”.

5. In 2022, the first prize of Shanghai Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Project “Tangzha Hedong Historic District - Tangjiaxiang Protection and Renewal Project”, the sixth member.

6. Instructor of the 2021 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Outstanding Bachelor's Degree Thesis “Protection and Reuse Scheme Design of Yangshupu Power Plant”.

7. Instructor of the third prize and excellent work award of the 2nd Shanghai University Student Architectural Design Competition in 2021.

8. Nominated for the 2020 Qian Xuesen Urban Studies Gold Award, The Incentive Mechanism for Public Participation in Conservation and Utilization of Cultural Heritage in Italy, the first author.

9. In 2020, instructor of the third prize and excellent work of “Tianzuo Bei (Architect Journal)” International College Student Architectural Design Competition.

10. The 2nd prize of the 2019 Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award “Integrated and Comprehensive Technology of Precise Survey and Protection Intervention of Historic Buildings”, the second member.

11. The third prize of Shanghai Excellent Engineering Design Award in 2019, the protection and repair of the gymnasium of Xuhui Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the sixth member.

12. The second prize of the 2019 Excellent Survey and Design Award of the Ministry of Education, the renovation of the History and Culture Exhibition Hall of East China Normal University in Shanghai, the sixth member.

13. 2018 China Top Ten Books on Cultural Heritage, Protecting Heritage and Keeping Roots: Research on the Participation of Social Forces in the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Heritage, the fourth author.

​1. DU Q.; WU P., The Transformation of Italian Traditional Village Regeneration and Sustainable Development Practice (1980-2020)[A]. Editorial Department of Urban Planning International. International Experience on Sustainable Rural Development Under the Circumstances of Population Shrinkage [M]. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press(ISBN:978-7-112-28019-3),395,2023.01,pp228-241.

2. QIU B.,DU Q., Public-Housing-Oriented Urban Conservation Strategy for Urban Village in Shenzhen under the Perspective of Cultural Heritage Conservation[A]. ZHU Y.,LUO W.,Hehu Wenshi Jikan, Di Yiji[M]. Beijing, Cultural Relics Press  (ISBN 978-7-5010-7832-3),2022.11.pp116-129.

3. LIU A., YU B., YU J., DU Q., Research on the Public Participation in the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Heritage[M]. Beijing: Cultural Relics Press(ISBN 978-7-5010-6079-5), 2018.12, pp 174-196.

4. DU Q.YU B,ZAN L. Xinjiang: The tension between heritage, landscape conservation, and social impacts in a harsh climate[A]. ZAN L, YU B, et al. Heritage Sites in Contemporary China: Cultural Policies and Management Practices (Planning, Heritage and Sustainability)[M]. Routledge(ISBN 978-1138054622), 6686, 2018.3, pp172-193.

5.Studies of Heritage Protection: Focus on 2015[M]. Beijing, Cultural Relics Press(ISBN 978-7-5010-4892-2), 2017.02, pp207-247.

6.Studies of Heritage Protection: Focus on 2012[M]. Beijing, Cultural Relics Press(ISBN 978-7-5010-4310-2), 2015.06, pp275-281.


1.DU Q, REN LY, CAO YK. Translation and Absorption: Early concrete building technology in modern Chinese books (1910-1949)[J].The Chinese Journal for History of Society and Technology, 2022,43(3)321-337.

2.DU Q, LIU AH, CAO YK. The Incentive Mechanism for Public Participation in Conservation and Utilization of Cultural Heritage in Italy [J]. Heritage Architecture,2019(04):45-53.

3.GIANIGHIAN G, DU Q, CAO YK. Mission to China: Reflecting on New Perspectives towards Conservation. An Exhibition & Forum in Shanghai[J]ANANKE,2019,88:78-106

4.DU Q, CAO YK. Introduction of the Italian Guideline for the Establishment and Promotion of Archaeological Parks [J].Architect,2019(03):83-87.

5.DU Q, CAO YK. The Theory and Practice of Restoration of Italian Architects in the Post- Brandi Era [J]. Architectural Journal, 2019(07):88-93.
6.DU Q. Coexistence and Conflict Between Archaeological Site Preservation and City Development: The Study of Rome Monumental Zone’s 100-Year History of Preservation [J]. Urban Planning International,2019,34(05):86-93.

7.DU Q, CAO YK. Reflection on the Restoration Project of Bagrati Cathedral in Georgia [J]. Heritage and Conservation Study,2018 Vol.3 No.1:62-67.

8.DU.Q, XIAO D. Research on Morphological Characteristics and Evolution Mechanism of the Landscape of Tangdu Village in Southeast Guizhou[J].Heritage and Conservation Study, 2016 Vol.1 No.5:72-81.

9.YAN HM, DU Q. A Sociological Understanding of Traditional Village: Take Guizhou Tangdu Village as an Example[J].Heritage and Conservation Study, 2016 Vol.4:1-7.


1. DU Q, XIAO D. How to Integrate Architectural Heritage Conservation, Education, and Tourism? The Study Case of Jingjiang Palace (Guilin, China)[C]. Singapore: APRU University Museums Research Symposium: Universities and Architectural Heritage,2021.11.

2. DU Q, QIU BW. A Study of the History of Concrete Technology Introduction in China[C]. Lisbon: Seventh International Congress on Construction History,2021.06.

3. DU Q, LI YH, CAO YK. Method of Survey and Research on Original Material and Craftsmanship in Modern Historical Building: Taking Shikumen Buildings at Chang Su Ho’s Garden in Shanghai as an Example [C].Tianjin:Architectural Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development,2021.05.

4. YU TY, DU Q, CAO YK. Application of Non-Destructive Tests for Timber Decay Characterization of a Traditional Residence in Shanghai, China[C].Lisbon:5th International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures,2019.

5. DU Q. Transformation of Chinese Traditional Mountain Village in Contemporary Era: the study case of Tangdu Village in Guizhou Province[C]. EAAE/ARCC Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges, Vol 1:33-40, Lisbon, Portugal, 2016

Post-graduate course: Architectural Conservation: Theory, Technology and Practice (M.Arch.(International)- professional programme); The Basic Theory of Conservation of Architectural Heritage (M.Arch. -research programme); Professional Practice.

Undergraduate course: Historic Architectural Survey and Investigation; Architectural Design and Principle; Practice of Creative Design.

​1. 2022 Natural Science Fund of Chongqing, Study on the pathology of the concrete of historic buildings under the humid and hot mountain environment, 2022.08-2024.07

2. 2022, China Heritage Fund, Investigation of fire safety conditions in Chinese traditional villages (Zhejiang Province) project, 2022.06-2022.12.

3. 2020 Youth Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, “Research on the Conservation and Restoration of Modern Concrete Buildings in China from the Perspective of Material and Technology Evolution”, 2020.01-2022.12.

4. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Preventive Conservation Plan for Shanghai Jiao Tong National Protection Site, 2021.12 - 2022.08.

5. Research on Zhangyuan Shikumen buildings original materials, construction technologies, pathology investigation and analysis, and conservation intervention, 2020.04-2021.04.
