LV Aimin
Associate Professor
  • introduction
  • Awards & Prizes
  • Monographs
  • Journal articles
  • Courses
  • Research
  • introduction
  • Awards & Prizes
  • Monographs
  • Journal articles
  • Courses
  • Research

Research Direcrion:

Green (ecological) Architecture, Building Climatology, Building Climate-responsive Strategies, Energy-saving Buildings in Extreme Climates, and Energy-efficient Residential Buildings.

1      2017 National College Student Architecture Design Competition Award, Adviser of Excellence Award, Chinese architecture society, 2017-09

2      2014 National Green Building Design Competition, Instructor of Best Creative Award, Chinese architecture society, 2014-11

3       2012 The Third National Solar Architecture Design Competition, Instructor of Bronze Prize, Chinese architecture society, 2012-09

.Professional Book:  Climate-Responsive Building: The Eco- strategy for Continental Climate in China, Tongji University Press, 2003-09

1.Professional Book:  Climate-Responsive Building: The Eco- strategy for Continental Climate in China, Tongji University Press, 2003-09

2. Study on the Multi-Adaptability of Deep-plan Residential Building with Inner Rooms for China’s Continental Climate, The 12th China Urban Housing Conference, Guangzhou, China, 2017-07

3. The Application of Downdraught Cooling in Vernacular Sky-well Dwellings in China”, ICSDGB 2017-03

4. Reveal "More with Less" Eco-Thinking Reborn from Fuller to Foster, Hua Zhong Architecture, 2010-05

5. "Ecological Construction of Digital Architecture", New Architecture, 2006-04

6. "Building the interface of the membrane effect", Architectural Journal, 2005-01.

Undergraduate Course:

Architectural Design

Graduation Project

Graduate Course:Modern Building Technology (teaching In English)

1.     NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China), No. 51778359, The effects of thermal environment on thermoregulation and sleep quality to old people,2017-2021

2.     NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China), No. 50308332, Research on Key Issues and Optimization Analysis of Using Downdraught Cooling in Large Space Public Buildings in Hot and Humid Climate, 2013-2016

3.     Shanghai Education Commission Key Curriculum Project: "Introduction to Ecological Building " 2015- 2017.

4.     The Educational Research Project of SJTU "Green Technology Analysis in Architectural Design Teaching", 2016.

5.     Architecture Design of Teachers Restaurant in SJTU Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2010.  
