2020-8-25 11:08
read 3157

Notice on Semester Registration of Graduate Students for 2020-2021 Fall Semester

Dear graduate students,

The semester registration of graduate students for 2020-2021 fall semester is hereby notified as follows:

 1.      Date & time for semester registration

8:30-11:30, 13:30-16:30, Sep 1st to Sep 3rd 2020

2.      Venue

Yifu Bld 215; for those who cannot return the campus due to visa issues, the registration should be performed online at My SJTU (http://my.sjtu.edu.cn).

3.      Arrangement for semester registration

Due to the epidemic situation, the semester registration of 2020 Fall will be conducted in batches. For full-time graduate students located in low/zero risk areas within China, please go to the Yifu bld 215 to register on Sep 3rd, 2020.

For graduate students located in moderate and high risk areas* within mainland China, HK, Macao and Taiwan, please contact your counsellor on the requirement and procedure to return the university.

For students who are outside of China with difficulty in returning to the university due to visa issues, please login My SJTU (http://my.sjtu.edu.cn, “Postgraduate”— “Registration”) with your jAccount and register online. The students are advised to communicate with the supervisor regularly and manage to continue their research work under the remote guidance of the supervisor.

 4.      Tuitions and fees payment

1) For those who need to pay the tuitions and/or other fees, please make the payment before the registration.

2) Payment method

a. Online payment

Please login at www.jdcw.sjtu.edu.cn/payment. The username is your student ID, and the initial password is your student ID (for international students). Attention please, in order to avoid phishing website, please make sure to use the above login method to login the payment website. If you want to pay online, please use the bank card with online payment function (not limited to the bank cards of students themselves). SJTU’s online payment system support bank cards of more than 20 banks. The receipt title is the student’s name and student ID. If you want to change it, please follow the instructions on the website.

b. Wechat payment

Please subscribe and make the payment via the Wechat Official Account of “上海交通大学财务平台”. For the first login, the username is your student ID, and the initial password is your student ID (for international students). The receipt title is the student’s name and student ID, if you want to change it, please follow the instructions on the website.

5.      Late registration appeal

The graduate students who cannot register on time due to force majeure must ask for permission to postpone the registration BEFOREHAND from the Graduate Affairs Office of their schools. The student should fill the “Application Form to Postpone the Semester Registration for Graduate Students” and submit it to the Graduate Affairs Office of his/her school BEFORE registration day. Upon approval, the student can be granted no more than two weeks of grace period.

For those who fail to make the semester registration on time without applying for postponing or being approved, shall be handled according to the SJTU Regulations on Graduate Education and Management.

Late registration appeal without reasonable cause will not be approved.

 6.      Postpone graduation

Students who are expected to gradate on/before September 30th, 2020 are exempted from the semester registration. While those who cannot graduate on schedule should apply to extend their study duration prior to the registration, and register at the Graduate Affairs Office of their school.

 7.      Suspension and resumption of schooling

Student whose current status is “suspension of schooling” does not need to register. The student who apply resume schooling after suspension, need go through the resumption of schooling procedure (http://my.sjtu.edu.cn --Postgraduate—Resume Schooling Application) first, and then handle the semester registration.


Teaching Affairs Office, School Of Design

Aug 25th, 2020


* To find out the classification of high/low risk regions, please check the following barcode:
