生命皆有痕迹。年轮,是树木存在于大自然时间留下的痕迹;城市,是人类文明留下的痕迹;万事万物皆有其存在的痕迹。可当人类无休止地破坏大自然,侵占其他生命的领地,人类的痕迹已经遍布整个地球,很多动植物的痕迹已经悄然消失......本作品将中心的地球以年轮的形式展现,寓意着大自然。上面的城市与动物寓意着人与大自然的共存。巨大的手印 是人类存在的痕迹,同时从地球中心向外蔓延,表示人类文明的扩张。水能载舟亦能覆舟, 人类的力量只有与大自然和谐共处时,人类才能拥有更美好的人居环境,拥有更美好的生活。
Everything has traces of its existence. Growth rings, which are traces left by nature; Cities are traces left by human civilization. But when human beings endlessly destroy nature and encroach on the territory of other life, many traces of animals and plants have quietly disappeared... Water can carry boats and capsize boats, and only when human strength coexists in harmony with nature can human beings have a better living environment and a better life.
Based on the concept of the impact of a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions in cities on the environment, the image of the earth melted by polluted gases is designed, and the call for emission reduction and energy conservation.