亚洲建筑师协会,即Architects Reginal Council Asia,简称亚建协或ARCASIA,由亚洲最具代表性和最有权威的21个国家或地区的建筑师学会组成,于1979年在印度尼西亚雅加达成立。协会下设的亚洲建筑师协会建筑奖,即ARCASIA Awards for Architecture,是亚洲地区建筑界最高建筑设计大奖。旨在推出亚洲地区的优秀建筑作品,鼓励传承亚洲精神,推动亚洲建筑环境的提升。奖项包括住宅项目、公共设施建设、工业建筑、保护项目、建筑的社会责任和可持续性共6大类10个小项。奖项设置包括金奖、荣誉提名奖和提名奖。
2020 教师获奖项目
金奖 商业建筑类
荣誉提名 居住建筑类
荣誉提名 社会与文化建筑类
评委评语 / Jury Citation
The building is nicely designed and completed by converting an old factory into a new modern shop with other public functions. The factory's old structure was maintained with new inserted two glass boxes of house-shape to emphasize the area of commercial wooden timbers are embedded in the old steel structures, making the space more fantastic and attractive. Another very interesting concept is to bring in the public facilities, such as the indoor playground and the activity room, which not only serve the public but also help with the promotion of the cloth brand. Therefore, the shop in the middle is like a showcase to the public in general. The idea to combine public service with commercial activities leads to the question: how can public service as not only the government's duty attract commercial investment under the profit-driven society? This project may have given a possible answer.
评委评语 / Jury Citation
The house was adapted from several containers for its low cost in a big city like shanghai, where the rental is too expensive for a young businessman. The project made interesting use of material, arranged the limited space with flexible solutions for switching among modes of family, office, and party. It provides insights into modern living in expensive inner cities.
评委评语 / Jury Citation
Located in a special historic site next to an old traditional Chinese garden, this project is a combination of traditional Chinese architecture elements and modern forms. The white concrete walls and steel facade follows the texture of brick walls, which achieved a sort of tension between themselves and the old-style doors, verandas, and pitched roofs. The inside garden also adopts the spatial arrangement of traditional Yuanlin the contract between the old and the new somehow brings a harmony that guides visitors through this old town's history.