学术快讯 | 使用大型语言模型挖掘文化生态系统服务感知:一种小样本和提示方法
近日,上海交通大学设计学院风景园林系蔡永立教授团队在区域与城市规划国际顶级期刊《Landscape and Urban Planning》(影响因子7.9,JCR/Q1,中科院SCI一区,Top期刊)发表学术论文“Using large language models to investigate cultural ecosystem services perceptions: A few-shot and prompt method”(使用大型语言模型挖掘文化生态系统服务感知:一种小样本和提示方法)。本研究提出了一个创新框架,将大语言模型与社交媒体文本相结合,以调查文化生态系统服务的感知。研究结果为庐山景区的景观管理提供了有价值的见解,展示了大语言模型的优势、局限性以及在推进景观感知研究方面的巨大潜力。
1. 在没有大规模训练数据的情况下自动处理社交媒体文本。
2. 使用大型语言模型识别文化生态系统服务和对应的情感。
3. 通过设计提示提高模型性能。
4. 绘制文化生态系统服务地图为景观管理提供见解。
5. 强调了大型语言模型在景观感知研究中的潜力。
The advancement of generative AI has profoundly impacted various aspects of society, including scientific research, but its application in landscape research remains underexplored. In this study, large language models are applied to analyze cultural ecosystem services, which are a key connection between humans and nature, reflecting the intangible benefits that ecosystems provide. Social media texts from the Lushan Scenic Area, known for its rich cultural ecosystem services, were analyzed. The methodology involved adapting the model using few-shot learning to classify cultural ecosystem services and associated sentiments. Prompts were specifically designed to optimize model performance. The validation process compared the performance of three base models (GLM-4-0520, ERNIE-4.0—8K, and Moonshot-v1-8k) alongside five prompts. The cultural ecosystem services within the study area were subsequently analyzed based on model outputs. The findings indicated superior performance by the Moonshot-v1-8k model, achieving 82.2 % micro-F1 and 80.3 % macro-F1. The implementation of chain-of-thought prompts and cultural ecosystem services definition prompts enhanced micro-F1 and macro-F1 by up to 6.3 % and 3.3 %, respectively. Within the Lushan Scenic Area, aesthetic services were identified as the most frequently perceived, while recreational services received the most negative sentiments. A marked increase in public interest in physical health was observed following the COVID-19 pandemic. This study highlights the potential of large language models to advance the analysis of cultural ecosystem services and landscape perceptions. By offering a novel approach to text analysis, the findings contribute valuable insights for landscape management and underscore the utility of AI technologies.
Keywords: Cultural ecosystem services; Social media text; Sentiment analysis; Semantic analysis; Few-shot learning
图1. 概念图
图2. 研究框架
图3. 研究区,图片来源:www.ctrip.com
图4. 网站界面和评论统计
图5. 小样本学习示意图(注:黄色高亮部分表示“模型输入”(参数:input)对应“小样本”(参数:user),而绿色高亮表示“模型输出”(参数:output)对应“小样本”(参数:assistant))
图6. 提示示意图(注:绿色高亮表示“少样本”(参数:user和assistant)以及相应的模型输入和输出(参数:input和outpu);黄色高亮表示“提示”(参数:system);蓝色高亮表示“PI 提示”中的“动态提示”,它介绍了每个兴趣点,并根据不同的兴趣点而变化(参数:system);灰色高亮部分表示“COT 提示”中新增的“关键词”“模型输出”(参数:Output)对应“小样本”(参数:assistant))
图7. 不同文化生态系统服务类别的F1-score和Fleiss Kappa
图8. 庐山景区的文化生态系统服务感知
Luo, H., Zhang, Z., Zhu, Q., Houda Ben Ameur, N. E., Liu, X., Ding, F., & Cai, Y. (2025). Using large language models to investigate cultural ecosystem services perceptions: A few-shot and prompt method. Landscape and Urban Planning, 258, 105323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2025.105323
上海交通大学设计学院风景园林专业硕士生罗涵月为论文第一作者,通讯作者为上海交通大学设计学院教授蔡永立,论文合作者为上海交通大学硕士毕业生张智舵,上海交通大学设计学院博士朱青和国际留学生博士Nour El Houda Ben Ameur,以及上海同济城市规划设计研究院高级工程师刘晓、中级工程师丁凡。本研究获得国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(72104232)、教育部哲学社科重大项目(19JZD023)以及上海市科学技术委员会软科学研究项目(23692117800)共同支持。