学术快讯 | 利用能源韧性改进社会脆弱性评估,服务可持续城市未来治理
近日,上海交通大学设计学院风景园林系陈睿山教授团队在城市可持续发展国际重要期刊《Sustainable Cities and Society》(影响因子11.7,JCR/Q1,中科院SCI一区,Top期刊)发表学术论文“Enhancing social vulnerability assessment with energy resilience: A comprehensive study of the Netherlands”(利用能源韧性改进社会脆弱性评估:对荷兰的综合研究)。
提出了一个包含能源的 SVI 指标体系,以提高复原力。
能源因素扩大了传统 SVI 系统的包容性和完整性。
能源包容性 SVI 揭示了潜在社会脆弱性的空间差异。
An energy-inclusive SVI indicator system is proposed to increase resilience.
Energy factor extends the inclusiveness and integrity of traditional SVI system.
Energy-inclusive SVI reveals spatial differences in potential social vulnerability.
Uneven urbanization exacerbates risks and inequalities for vulnerable groups.
结果表明:1) 能源指标的引入填补了传统 SVI 评估的空白。2) 能源指标揭示了荷兰潜在社会脆弱性的地区和空间差异。3) 能源包容性 SVI 表明,不均衡的城市化加剧了弱势群体的风险和不平等,对社会脆弱性产生了潜在影响。城市的可持续发展需要寻求一种公认的、协调的方法来管理各地区的脆弱性。能源指标的互补性为更全面地评估社会脆弱性的空间模式、确定潜在的脆弱地区、提高城市抗灾能力和实现可持续城市发展提供了机会。
A comprehensive vulnerability assessment is a scientific basis for the realization of the United Nations' sustainable development goals. Energy resilience plays a crucial role in mitigating social vulnerability due to disaster shocks. Often, energy infrastructure and services collapse after disasters. The recent Russia-Ukraine war has exacerbated Europe's energy crisis and social vulnerabilities, making it even more urgent to add energy resilience to vulnerability assessments. This paper takes the Netherlands as the study area for vulnerability assessment, constructs a new social vulnerability indicator (SVI) system supplemented with the energy element, and compares that with the traditional energy indicator system.
The results indicate that: 1) The introduction of energy indicators fills the gap of traditional SVI assessment. 2) Energy indicators reveal regional and spatial differences in potential social vulnerability in the Netherlands. 3) Energy-inclusive SVI demonstrates that uneven urbanization exacerbates risks and inequalities for vulnerable groups, with potential impacts on social vulnerability. Sustainable urban development requires the search for a recognized and coordinated approach to managing vulnerability across regions. The complementarity of energy indicators offers opportunities to provide a more comprehensive assessment of spatial patterns of social vulnerability, identify potentially vulnerable areas, enhance urban disaster resilience, and achieve sustainable urban development.
Keywords: Social vulnerability; Energy resilience; Open-source census data; Spatial disparities
图 1. 荷兰的地理环境和四个最大的城市
图 2. 能源包容性 SVI 因素的空间分布图
(a) 社会程度,(b) 家庭能源和便利性,(c) 劳动脆弱性,(d) 太阳能尺度,(e) 教育,(f) 水体。
图 3. 荷兰传统 SVI(a)和能源包容性 SVI(b)得分的空间分布。
图 4. 荷兰传统 SVI 和能源包容性 SVI 的聚类特征
(a) 传统 SVI 的热点/冷点,(b) 传统 SVI 的局部莫兰指数,(c) 能源包容性 SVI 的热点/冷点,(d) 能源包容性 SVI 的局部莫兰指数。
图 5. 四个主要城市的传统 SVI 和能源包容性 SVI
(a) 传统 SVI 的空间分布,(b) 传统 SVI 的热点/冷点,(c) 传统 SVI 分数的局部莫兰指数,(d) 能源包容性 SVI 的空间分布,(e) 能源包容性 SVI 的热点/冷点,(f) 能源包容性 SVI 分数的局部莫兰指数。
Song, W., Li, Y., Cheng, J., Chen, R., Wu, J., & Jia, N. (2024). Enhancing social vulnerability assessment with energy resilience: A comprehensive study of the Netherlands. Sustainable Cities and Society, 103, 105251.