2022-6-15 08:57


School of Design,

Summer School Seminars



The summer seminar is a feature of the international master's degree programs of the School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which aims to enlarge studentsglobal  horizons, and cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary research competence. This summer, two modules will be provided: interdisciplinary course and elective courses. The interdisciplinary course "Society and Design" is open to all M.Arch, IIDE,  and M.La studentsand to be delivered by Professor Ruan Xing, Dean of the School of Design. Elective courses are offered independently by three departments. Internationally renowned academics are invited to give a series of short-term lectures, bringing students to enter advanced topics and in-depth research. Students are free to choose the courses according to their interests. The course information is published as follows.

2022/  学院平台课

Interdisciplinary Course


Society and Design–A History of Housing

Class hours

Tuesday June 21st, 14:00-17:40

Thursday June 23rd, 14:00-17:40

Tuesday June 28th, 14:00-17:40

Thursday June 30th, 14:00-17:40

Tuesday July 5th, 14:00-17:40

Thursday July 7th, 14:00-17:40

Tuesday July 12th, 14:00-17:40

Thursday July 14th, 14:00-17:40





Rich housing types embody all manner of forms, customs and styles, which vary in cultures in pre-modern times, and are likely to vary even in individuals in our time. But when viewed as a formal configuration, beyond shapes and dimensions, housing throughout human history, surprisingly, can be classified into a few patterns. They include, specifically, the courtyard pattern, the inter-connected room matrix pattern, and the pattern of terminal rooms opening to a common corridor. This course examines the human relations that are not only cemented but also animated through the human occupation of these patterns and, thereby, fosters an understanding of modern housing and society against such historical background.


This course introduces to students various interpretive and analytical approaches drawn from the humanist tradition and historical studies, as well as nineteenth-century development of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and modern anthropology, which will enable them to gain an overview of housing history in both Europe and Asia from antiquity to the present. By offering focused and in-depth studies of selected themes and cases in housing history, this course enables students to gain an architectural understanding of society and design.


About the Professor





PhD, Dean and Guangqi Chair Professor of Architecture at School ofDesign,

 Shanghai Jiao Tong University

曾任悉尼新南威尔士大学人居环境学部副部长、建筑系主任(2014-2016,2018),悉尼科技大学建筑学院院长(2002-2004)。现任国际建筑师协会建筑评论家委员会 (CICA)委员、美国建筑历史学家学会(SAH)会员、新南威尔士大学建筑学长聘讲席教授(2004-2020)、新南威尔士大学荣誉教授(2020- )、同济大学顾问教授。阮昕于2019年担任上海城市空间艺术季双年展建筑策展人。

阮昕着眼于历史文化背景下的建筑形制研究,涉猎中西建筑历史比较、世界居住史、住宅设计与生活方式、民居与文化人类学、建筑教育、永续/再生建筑设计和城市更新,以及西方文化语境下的亚洲建筑研究。学术专著包括:Confucius’Courtyard(Bloomsbury, 2022),《浮生·建筑》(商务印书馆,2020),Allegorical Architecture (University of Hawai'i Press, 2006),New China Architecture (Periplus/Tuttle, 2006),Topophilia and Topophobia:;Reflections on Twentieth-Century Human Habitat (Routledge, 2007, 合著),Skyplane (UNSW Press, 2009, 合著), Hand and Mind (UNSW Press, 2018, 合著)。阮昕与著名文化地理学家Ronald Knapp 教授联合主编Spatial Habitus: Making and Meaning in Asia's Architecture,目前已出版专著数十部,涵盖中国、日本、韩国、印度及中东;此丛书在国际学术界拥有权威话语地位。阮昕的学术论文及建筑评论发表于美国JSAH《建筑史学家会刊》、中国《建筑学报》《建筑师》《文汇学人》及 AA《澳洲建筑》等期刊杂志。设计作品(与赵东敏合作)发表于澳洲、中国的设计杂志及报刊。

阮昕于2011年获国际建协(UIA) 建筑与都市设计论文国际竞赛奖。曾应邀于诸国际学术会议做主旨报告, 以及在中国、中国香港、马来西亚、新加坡、新西兰、澳大利亚、意大利、美国、阿根廷、英国和印度等大学与文化机构做公开演讲。其专著和学术论文得到了来自国际权威学术期刊及主流媒体的高度评价和广泛关注。他致力于将中国及亚洲的建筑文化传统置之于西方背景下作比较研究,其根本着眼点在于寻求中国及亚洲建筑文化在当今全球化政治及经济背景下的复兴之路。

He is a member of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Academic Committee. RUAN Xing joined Sydney’s University of New South Wales (UNSW) as Professor of Architecture in 2004. He was Associate Dean at the Faculty of the Built Environment (2015-2018), Director of Architecture (2014-16), Chair of Architecture Discipline and Director of Master of Architecture from (2005-09). Prior to his appointment to UNSW, he was Head of School of Architecture at the University of Technology Sydney (2002-04). In 2019, he was the curator of Shanghai Urban Space Art Season biennale.


RUAN Xing’s scholarly interests lie in the study of physical laws of architectural forms, comparative study of Western and East Asia’s architectural history, a cultural history of housing, housing design and way of living, vernacular architecture and cultural anthropology, architectural education, resilient architecture and design approach, urban renewal, and the study of Asia’s architecture and urbanization against the background of Western discourse. The titles of his books include: Confucius’Courtyard (Bloomsbury, 2022); Fusheng Jianzhu [ Floating Life and Architecture 浮生·建筑] (The Commercial Press, 2020); Allegorical Architecture, (University of Hawai’i Press, 2006); New China Architecture (Periplus, 2006); Hand and Mind (UNSW Press, 2018); Topophilia and Topophobia, (Routledge 2007). His books have received critical acclaim and enthusiastic appraisal both in academic journals and from some mainstream media outlets around the world.


RUAN Xing has published in leading academic and literary journals, such as JSAH (Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians)Jianzhu xuebao [Architectural Journal 建筑学报]Jianzhu shi [The Architect 建筑师] and Wenhui Xueren of Wenhui Ribao [Wenhui Scholar of Wenhui Daily 文汇学人, 文汇日报]. RUAN Xing has co-edited, with Ronald Knapp, of the book series Spatial Habitus: Making and Meaning in Asia’s Architecture published by the University of Hawai’i Press, with published titles encompassing buildings in China, Japan, Korea, India and the Middle East. He has also contributed, as a critic, to professional architecture journals in Australia and China.


RUAN Xing teaches architectural design, history and theory. He has been invited to give keynote and public lectures at conferences and universities in China, South-East Asia, India, USA, the UK, Italy, New Zealand, Argentina and Australia. He also serves as a supervisor for PhD and Master’s research degrees.

庞贝古城中罗马合院中庭,梅男德宅(House of Menander),阮昕绘

The atrium in the House of Menander, Pompeii, drawn by RUAN Xing


 Plans of the Western Zhou courtyard and the Ming-Qing Beijing quadrangle juxtaposed, drawn by  RUAN Xing


The featured courtyard in Can Lis with opening in the encircling wall enclosure, drawn by  RUAN Xing.

2022/  专业自选课

Elective Courses


Department of Architecture


Architecture and Urban Form in Paris, from Haussmann to Macron 






Class hours

Monday July 4th7-10th classes

Wednesday July 6th7-10th classes

Monday July 11th7-10th classes

Wednesday July 13th7-10th classes



20世纪的巴黎是个让人神往的地方。如果穿越到1920年代的巴黎,我们会见证海明威笔下“流动的盛宴”,并惊叹于这里的创造力浓度。此时的塞纳河畔, 咖啡左岸, 聚集了各类先锋:文学圈的海明威,乔伊斯,和庞德;绘画圈的毕加索,米罗,和蒙德里安;时尚圈的香奈儿和浪凡,建筑圈的勒·柯布西耶和凡·杜斯伯格,以及思想评论圈的许许多多人。他们的所思所想,独特的视角,凝结到他们的作品中,定义了现代文化世界。

根据瓦尔特·本雅明的著名论断“巴黎是19世纪之都”,1900年的巴黎可以被考虑成一座“完成式”的城市,或一件完整的艺术品。然而,1880年代以来不断涌现的新的建造方法和美学策略持续塑造着巴黎的城市形态和视觉文化。《现代巴黎,城市和建筑:从奥斯曼到马克龙》这门课站在社会,技术,建筑和艺术的交叉口,致力于解析1871年以来巴黎的城市发展和建筑转型。我们将探讨艺术家、摄影师、电影导演和知识分子们在现代化进程中所面临的挑战以及他们的回应,我们亦将解析梦想家们Eugène Hénard, Louis Bonnier, Henri Sauvage, Marcel Lods, Claude Parent 及 Yona Friedman对巴黎城的宏伟想象,并回顾跨越了150年,对我们今天依旧影响深远的建筑城市思想和设计。

Course Description: Modern Paris is enchanting. If we could magically travel to the Paris of the 1920s, we would witness “the moveable feast” characterized by Ernest Hemingway, and be amazed by the density of the creativity there. At this moment, in cafes by the left bank of Seine, all types of avant-gardists were gathering: writers Heiminway, James Joyce, and Erza Pound, painters Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, and Piet Mondrian, fashion designers Coco Chanel and Jeanne Lanvin, architects Le Corbusier and Theo van Doesburg, and, of course, many, many others from various intellectual circles. Their brilliant thoughts and distinctive perspectives informed their works which, in turn, have fundamentally shaped the modern world — the very world we are now living in.

Famously considered as the “Capital of the 19th Century” by Walter Benjamin, Paris could be considered by 1900 a “finished” city, i.e. a complete and completed work of art. Yet, strategies of structural and aesthetic modernization proposed since the 1880s have profoundly shaped the city’s shape and Parisian visual culture. The course is devoted to the documentation and interpretation of schemes and projects conceived since 1871 for the city’s expansion, for its internal transformation, at the crossroads between politics, technology, architecture, and art. The response of artists, photographers, film directors, and intellectuals, to transformations imagined by visionaries such as Eugène Hénard, Louis Bonnier, Henri Sauvage, Marcel Lods, Claude Parent or Yona Friedman is considered, in parallel to the analysis of more than fifteen decades of overlooked but fascinating projects.


About the Professor

Jean-Louis Cohen

纽约大学Sheldon H Solow讲席教授

Sheldon H Solow Professor in the History of Architecture, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

Jean-Louis Cohen,是杰出的建筑师和建筑历史学家。他的研究兴趣集中于1900年至今欧洲、俄罗斯、北美和北非的建筑和城市发展。他以多种语言出版著作逾40部,包括《勒·柯布西耶和苏联之谜》(1992),《密斯凡德罗》(1994, 2007, 2018),《1889年后的建筑未来》(2012)等。其中, 《制式建筑:二战建筑和设计》(2011) 获法国建筑学会的图书最高奖, 艺术图书大奖, 和美国建筑史学家学会的年度著作奖。

Cohen是国际建筑竞赛评委席上的常客,同时是享有国际声誉的策展人。他在法国蓬皮杜艺术中心, 加拿大建筑中心, 纽约现代艺术博物馆策划了一系列核心展览。自1994年以来,他任纽约大学美术研究所Sheldon H Solow讲席教授。

Jean-Louis Cohen is a distinguished architectural historian and architect. His research interests focus on architecture and urban planning in Europe, Russia, North-America and North Africa from 1900 to the present. He authored over forty books in many countries and in several languages, including Le Corbusier and the Mystique of USSR (1992), Mies van der Rohe (1994, revised in 2007, 2018), The Future of Architecture Since 1889 (2012), and Architecture in Uniform; Designing and Building for WWII (2011) which won the Grand Prix du livre of the Académie d’architecture, the Art Book Prize, and the Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award of the Society of Architectural Historians.

Cohen has been a frequent jury member of architectural competitions and curated numerous key exhibitions for the Pompidou centre, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, the French Institute of Architecture, and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Since 1994, he has served the Sheldon H Solow Professor in the History of Architecture at New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts. 


About the Coordinator of the course


Xiangnan Xiong 


Assistant Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

在美国德州大学奥斯汀分校获得建筑历史与理论博士学位,主要研究领域为西方现代建筑。在国内外重要刊物上独立发表论文十余篇,合作完成中文译著和编著各一部。其专著《Mies at Home》于2022年由Routledge (London and New York)出版。

She holds a Ph.D. degree of Architectural History and Theory from the University of Texas at Austin. Her primary research field is western modern architecture. She has published extensively in major academic journals and co-translated and co-edited books. Her monograph Mies at Home is published by Routledge in 2022.


Department of Design


IIDE symposium



Class hours

1st July- 15th July, twice a week






Design was traditionally associated with making visual artefacts and industrial products, but it has shifted towards creating intangible outcomes which focus on social, cultural, and business issues to facilitate large scale system level changes.


With the boundaries of design expanding to include many new territories, designers often find themselves called into projects that tackle our major challenges such as healthcare, wellbeing, sustainability, and digital transformation.


A new frontier of design practice has emerged and service design is one of these. This series of talks explore discourses in this field and showcase its application through most recent service design projects and funded research projects. 


The course is consist of four sessions as below.


Session 1: Service Design in Practice


There is a rich picture of how designers operate in practice and contribute to wider and ongoing service development processes in different contexts. Following an introduction to service design, this session will include two service design projects to showcase the most contemporary applications of service design practice and thinking in addressing societal and environmental challenges we face. 

Canal Dream, Little Venice, 2022


Session 2: Service Design Discourse and Its Future  


This session focuses on an empirical study which examines the future relevance of service design practice through in-depth interviews with design professionals predominantly located in the UK. The findings show the diverse views towards how service design is applied in practice and how it is perceived as a discipline, suggesting that service design is not so much a unified practice as a range of practice used in diverse contexts. 


Session 3: Service Design in  Transdisciplinary Research 

本次演讲将分享由英国艺术与人文研究委员会资助的两个大型研究项目:自然之路和连接根源。由于 全球疫情,最近重新发现并广泛宣传了自然与健康和福祉之间的联系。有充分的证据表明,幸福途径与自然相关,并且越来越有兴趣支持以自然为基础的活动,将其作为支持心理健康和公共卫生的非临床干预措施,并作为增强社区福祉和社会包容的有效选择。

This session will offer key insights from two large research projects funded through the prestigious Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK:  Nature’s Way and Connecting Roots. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, linkages between nature and health and wellbeing are recently rediscovered(reclaimed?) and widely promoted(studied?). There is ample evidence of wellbeing pathways linked to nature, and growing interest in supporting nature-based activities as a non-clinical intervention to support(maintain?) mental wellbeing and public health, and as valid options to enhance community wellbeing and social inclusion. 


Session 4: From Service Design to Transformative Design

本演讲讲述了对服务设计机构提供的当前项目的调研,以了解创造变革影响的实践规模。InHouse Records(世界上第一个在监狱中推出的功能齐全的唱片公司,由囚犯共同创建)将作为一个很好的例子来展示服务设计如何在最具挑战性的环境中产生变革性影响。

This session offers a review of the current projects delivered by service design agencies in attempt to understand the scale of the practice in creating transformative impact. InHouse Records (an early and fully functional record label to be launched in prison, created with and by prisoners) will be introduced to showcase how service design can create a transformative impact in one of the most challenging environments.  

Community Gardens, Walsall, 2022


About the Professor

孙茜 博士

Dr. Qian SUN


Reader in Service Design, Policy and Social Innovation at the Royal College of Art

她的研究重点是在跨学科创新中使用设计,以解决当代社会在健康和福祉、社区复原力和可持续性方面的挑战。 她在产生高质量研究成果、获得研究资金、在英国和国际上建立研究伙伴关系方面有着良好的记录。 她经常被邀请审查博士并审查会议、期刊和资助的论文和提案。 她目前是 AHRC 资助的两个项目“连接根源:在沃尔索尔共同创建一个绿色社会处方网络,以促进健康和福祉”和“基于自然:在后 COVID 世界中为公共卫生和绿色恢复创新的共创方法”的首席研究员。

Dr Sun’s research focus is on the use of design in trans-disciplinary innovation that addresses contemporary societal challenges in health and wellbeing, community resilience, and sustainability. She has a demonstrated record of producing high quality research outputs, securing research funding, establishing research partnerships in the UK and internationally. She is regularly invited to examine PhDs (not sure what it means) and to review papers and proposals for conferences, journals, and funding. She is currently Principal Investigator for two AHRC funded projects “Connecting Roots: Co-creating a Green Social Prescribing Network in Walsall for Health and Wellbeing” and “Nature's Way: Co-Creating Methods for Innovating Nature-based Solutions for Public Health and Green Recovery in a Post-COVID World”. 


About the Coordinator of the course


Liqun ZHANG 


 associate professor, PhD supervisor and director of the Institute of Design Management of School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


His main research interests include computationally driven innovation systems, product innovation strategies, and design management for complex systems. He has long been engaged in research and practice on design management and strategy, digital transformation of design-oriented processes and design intelligence, and has established theoretical and technical system of generative design with high involvement of user; he has conducted systematic and in-depth research and practice in digital and intelligent upgrading of manufacturing innovation design and digital transformation of intangible cultural heritage. His monographs include Research on Design Management and Nature-inspired Design.


Department of Landscape Architecture


The Forefront of the Practical Means to Achieve Resilience against Climate Change






Class hours

Wednesday June 22nd   6-9th classes (12:55-16:45pm)

Wednesday June 29th   6-9th classes (12:55-16:45pm)

Wednesday July 6th    6-9th classes (12:55-16:45pm)

Wednesday July 13th   6-9th classes (12:55-16:45pm)









- 地面停车场

- 雨水收集和管道/洪水缓解

- 街道

- 建筑物的庭院

- 入口广场

- 运动场

- 花园和公园


- 适应空间

- 培养空间

- 赋予空间力量

- 为空间注入活力

- 改造空间

- 修补空间


Landscape architects are at the forefront of the practical means to achieve resilience against climate change.


In our everyday work we can apply the techniques and methods that underpin our profession – responding to site conditions, achieving balanced eco-systems, and programming to achieve functional, sustainable, safe and inclusive places.


The economic and social costs of climate change and COVID-19 have made us rethink more generally the use and value of open space. We are looking at public space in new ways: What other functions can a simple, paved surface carpark perform? Can our streets be more than circulation routes for vehicles, pedestrians, and utilities? How can these commonplace infrastructure elements be thought of in the design of climate adaptive cities? 

This short course looks at how nature-based solutions can lead to a new way of looking at landscape.


— Surface carparks — Stormwater collection and piping/flood mitigation — Streets — Building courtyards — Entry plazas — Playing fields — Gardens and parks


The choice for the typology you choose:

— Adapt the space — Cultivate the space — Empower the space — Energise the space — Remediate the space — Retrofit the space

Remember we design for both

aesthetics and function!


About the Professor

James Hayter



Landscape Architect, Urban Designer, Architect,Professor, University of Adelaide , and former President of IFLA


James Hayter是Oxigen工作室的创始董事,Oxigen是一家位于南澳大利亚阿德莱德的专门的风景园林设计工作室。James Hayter通过与Oxigen在国内和国际上的许多项目证明了这一点。最引人注目的项目包括堪培拉中央公园区、Tonsley创新区和Lot Fourteen——阿德莱德新兴的 “全球区”——侧重于创新、创业、研究、教育、文化和旅游。

James Hayter专注于改善我们城市的健康和生产力,这在他的实践方法中得到了呼应,并反映了全球新景观建筑的运动,这将积极地改变我们城市的规划和居住方式。

James Hayter坚信,通过良好的设计,我们可以通过集中精力保护和管理自然环境,使城市化的影响(包括对自然系统的破坏)人性化,使我们的世界变得更加美好。

James Hayter强烈主张,景观设计师要共同致力于为子孙后代管理我们的自然环境,并在我们的城市中将人与自然联系起来。James Hayter认为:“景观设计师致力于与自然合作,提供健康的户外空间,管理城市雨水,改善受污染的场地,并连接社区。我们的角色是协调安全和创造包容的场所,也是一处令人快乐的地方”。

James Hayter,Landscape Architect, Urban Designer, Architect,Professor, University of Adelaide , and former President, International Federation of Landscape Architects.

James Hayter is regarded as one of Australia’s most respected design professionals in the fields of landscape architecture, architecture and urban design. His professional practice, Oxigen, completes approximately 100 projects each year including award winning projects of national and international profile.

James Hayter has practised his profession in the public, private and academic sectors, gaining the respect of his peers in each. James brings this broad understanding of the design profession and its requirements to the broader profession and industry, making him a valuable contributor towards the advancement of the design professions in Australia.

With over 35 years of professional experience, James has excellent strategic planning skills and an ability to conceptualise projects and requirements for implementation. He brings comprehensive technical skills including a desire to try innovative ways of resolving the requirements of a project and design skills proven through many projects with Oxigen and through his work in the UK and in the United States. James is appointed advisor to State and National design advisory committees and is a visiting professor at a number of overseas universities.


About the Coordinator of the course


Liqing Zhu


 Lecturer at Shanghai Jiaotong University.


Based on the course information above, M.Arch, IIDE,  and M.LA students who are interested in taking elective courses offered by other departments may contact the program director or the Office of Academic Affairs . The deadline for application is on 19th June 2022.
