学术快讯 | 捕捉景观破碎化特征,探明规划空间约束影响
上海交通大学设计学院风景园林系、自然资源部国土空间生态治理数字工程技术创新中心蔡永立教授团队在环境科学与生态学类国际期刊《Landscape Ecology》(影响因子5.2,JCR/Q1,中科院SCI 二区)发表学术论文“Spatial planning constraints will mitigate the fragmentation trajectory of natural and semi-natural landscapes: a case of Lushan City, China”(空间规划约束将缓解自然和半自然景观的破碎化轨迹:以中国庐山市为例)。
方法:我们采用PLUS模型模拟并预测了“规划约束”和“自然发展”两种不同情景下,庐山市土地利用和景观格局的变化。然后确定了适当的景观破碎化指数(LFI),以有效捕捉破碎化的本质。为了确定最佳尺度,采用了移动窗口法和半方差函数两种实验方法。通过构建 LFI 时空序列并进行趋势分析,确定了具有明显破碎化趋势的潜在破碎化区域(PFA)。
结果:空间规划约束将(1)防止建设用地侵占2.14 km2的耕地、0.21 km2的森林和0.13 km2的草地;(2)将高度破碎化区域从庐山东北部转移到开发边界界定的规划区域;(3)缓解和减缓自然和半自然景观的景观破碎化趋势,减少7.74 km2的PFA,保留15.61 km2里的自然景观。(4) 仍有29.42%的森林和22.82%的草地面临破碎化风险。
Context: The biodiversity faces an underlying threat from landscape fragmentation resulting from rapid urbanization. Examining the future trajectory of landscape fragmentation is imperative to understanding the impact of current spatial planning constraints on natural and semi-natural habitat preservation, ecosystem services, and sustainability.
Methods: We employed a Patch-generating Land Use Simulation (PLUS) model to simulate and predict the land use and landscape pattern changes in Lushan City under two distinct scenarios: “Planning Constraints (PC)” and “Natural Development (ND)”. We then identified an appropriate landscape fragmentation index (LFI) that effectively captured the fragmentation essence. To determine the optimal scale, we adopted an experimental approach using both the moving window (MW) method and the semi-variance function. By constructing a LFI spatiotemporal sequence and conducting trend analysis, we identified the potential fragmentation areas (PFA) with significant fragmentation tendencies.
Results: The spatial planning constraints will (1) prevent the encroachment of construction land into 2.14 km2 of cropland, 0.21 km2 of forest, and 0.13 km2 of grassland; (2) shift the highly fragmented area from the northeastern portion of Lushan to the planned area defined by the development boundary; (3) mitigate and decelerate the trend of landscape fragmentation in natural and semi-natural landscapes, decrease PFA by 7.74 km2 and preserve 15.61 km2 of natural landscapes. (4) still leave 29.42% of forest and 22.82% of grassland at risk of fragmentation.
Conclusions: Spatial planning constraints will effectively control the potential fragmentation in natural and semi-natural landscapes by changing the spatial distribution of LFI and PFA. This control mechanism will greatly exclude the anthropogenic impact and ensure the conservation of habitats. The habitats remaining within PFA should be focused in future eco-management optimization.
Key words: Landscape pattern · Spatial planning constraints · Landscape fragmentation index· Spatiotemporal prediction · Trend analysis · Potential fragmentation area
图1. 庐山市区位和高程图、2020土地利用/覆被地图及分类面积比例、阶段性三区三线空间约束地图
图2. 研究技术路线图
图3. 不同景观格局指数的块基比曲线图
图4. 2000-2050年庐山土地利用/覆被变化(a)2000年(b)2020年(c)“自然发展”情景下2050年(d)“空间约束”情景下2050年
图5. 不同情况下的积累图:(a)土地利用面积比例;(b)土地利用转移面积;(c)新增建设用地占用其他景观
图6. 不同年份的庐山 LFI 空间分布图:(a)2000年(b)2020年(c)“自然发展”情景下的2050年(d)“规划约束”情景下的 2050年
图7. 不同景观中两种情景下的LFI时间序列折线图:(a)庐山整体水平(b)农田(c)林地(d)草地
图8. (a)两种情景下LFI趋势累积图;(b)“自然发展”情景下LFI趋势空间分布图;
(c)“规划约束”情景下 LFI 趋势空间分布图;(d)“自然发展”情景下 PFA 及其内部景观类型;(e)“规划约束”情景下PFA及其内部景观类型;(f)两种情景下PFA内部景观类型面积
Zhang, Z., He, G., Cai, W. et al. Spatial planning constraints will mitigate the fragmentation trajectory of natural and semi-natural landscapes: a case of Lushan City, China. Landsc Ecol 39, 59 (2024).