学术快讯 | 刻画城市时空演化脉络,启发城市规划新思考
近日,上海交通大学设计学院风景园林系城市生态与人居环境健康实验室李俊祥教授团队近期在景观生态学领域旗舰期刊《Landscape Ecology》(影响因子5.2,JCR/Q1,中科院SCI一区)发表关于上海特大城市的时空演化及其城市规划启示的学术论文。
Context Urbanization has profoundly changed urban landscape patterns and morphologies. Understanding the spatiotemporal evolution of these changes and their driving forces is vital to decision making for urban planning and sustainable urban development.
Objectives This study aims to quantify the spatiotemporal pattern of urban growth in Shanghai, China for testing urban growth hypotheses, to identify its driving factors, and to provide insights for sustainable urban planning.
Methods We fitted a nonlinear curve to the urbanization pattern, employed landscape expansion indices to quantify the spatiotemporal evolution of urbanization, utilized partial least square regression to differentiate contribution of main socioeconomic driving factors.
Results Urbanized land in Shanghai exhibited a logistic growth pattern from 1985 to 2015. The annual growth rate of urban area showed a wave-like pattern and peaked in 2000–2005. Urban growth modes of leapfrog, edge expansion, and infilling were identified, and these patterns alternates in dominance over time. The urbanization process in Shanghai followed the spiraling diffusion-coalescence hypothesis. The net increase of year-end residential population, urban infrastructure investment, and the total investment in fixed assets were the dominant driving factors to urban growth.
Conclusion A logistic curve well quantified the temporal pattern of urbanization in Shanghai. Urbanization has slowed down, approaching the plateau of the curve, implying that urban growth driven by population increase and investment should switch to sustainable urban renewal and ecological constructions. Investment to urban green and blue infrastructures could help achieve “negative growth” targeted by the Shanghai Master Plan (2017–2035) for the overall developed land.
Keywords Shanghai, Urban growth pattern, Diffusion-coalescence process, Socioeconomic driving forces, Urban planning
图1. 1985-2015年上海城市面积增长图。(a)蓝色实心点代表不同年份的城市用地面积,黑色曲线为罗辑斯蒂函数拟合曲线,(b)蓝色曲线为罗辑斯蒂函数的一阶导数,T是当一阶导数达到最大值时的转折点,P为最大的城市化速度。
图2. 1985-2015年间6个时间段内上海城市用地的年均增长速率
图3. 1985-2015年上海市三种城市扩张模式(填充式、边缘扩张式和飞地式)的新增斑块数量和斑块面积比例随时间的变化
图4. 1985-2015年上海市三种城市扩张模式(填充式、边缘扩张式和飞地式)的时空格局
图5. 上海市平均景观扩展指数(MEI)和面积加权平均景观扩展指数(AWMEI)随时间变化轨迹
图6. 偏最小二乘模型中社会经济因子的重要性排序 (X1-国内生产总值,X2-工业总产值,X3-年末常住人口净增,X4-固定资产总投资,X5-城市基础设施投资,X6-房地产投资,X7-实际吸收外商投资)
上海交通大学设计学院博士后武彩燕为该论文的第一作者,李俊祥教授为论文通讯作者。论文共同作者包括北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校宋从和教授、宾夕法尼亚州立大学邱桐助理教授,柏林洪堡大学Dagmar Haase教授,墨尔本大学Amy Hahs博士,斯洛伐克技术大学Maroš Finka教授等。研究获得国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0505701)、国家自然科学基金(31870453, 32001162, 31971485和31528004),以及博士后面上项目(2021M702131)等的支持。
Wu, C., C. Li, L. Ouyang, H. Xiao, J. Wu, M. Zhuang, X. Bi, J. Li, C. Wang, C. Song, T. Qiu, D. Haase, A. Hahs, and M. Finka. 2023. Spatiotemporal evolution of urbanization and its implications to urban planning of the megacity, Shanghai, China. Landscape Ecology 38:1105-1124. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-022-01578-7