2021-1-8 10:59

风景园林大师讲坛 | Mark McDonnell教授:新型病毒流行威胁下设计宜居和韧性城市的挑战

2020年7月8日晚19:00-21:00,风景园林大师讲坛第8期通过zoom线上平台顺利举行。主讲嘉宾是来自墨尔本大学生物科学学院的名誉首席研究员Mark McDonnell教授。与会嘉宾有上海市风景园林学会的朱祥明教授,上海交通大学设计学院副院长车生泉教授、风景园林系主任王云教授、副系主任王玲老师,教师代表蔡永立教授、李俊祥教授。上海交通大学设计学院师生、上海市风景园林学会会员以及业界代表共140余人出席本次活动。讲座由风景园林系助理教授张理卿主持并翻译。

On the evening of July 8, 2020, the 8th Landscape Architects’ Forum was successfully held through the ZOOM online platform. The guest speaker is professor Mark McDonnell, Honorary Principal Fellow in the School of Biosciences at the University of Melbourne. Professor ZHU Xiangming from Shanghai Society of Landscape Architects, Vice Dean of Shanghai Jiao Tong University professor CHE Shengquan, Head of Department of Landscape Architecture professor WANG Yun, Vice Head Wang Ling, Teacher representatives professor CAI Yongli, professor LI Junxiang, and students from the Department of Landscape Architecture, representatives from Shanghai Society of Landscape Architects,and other industry colleagues attended the lecture. This event was moderated and translated by assistant professor ZHANG Liqing.


Before the lecture, National Master of Prospective Design, professor level senior engineer Mr. ZHU Xiangming gave an opening remarks. He pointed out that the current global coVID-19 outbreak has brought the worst recession since the Spanish flu pandemic. He suggested that under such background in the post-epidemic era, it is essential to think about how will our urban environment construction, industry of landscape architecture, and landscape planning and design process deal with these changes, and how to create more livable urban environment.

Mark McDonnell教授以“新型病毒流行病威胁下设计宜居和韧性城市的挑战”为主题,从七个要点详尽地阐述了对于后疫情时代城市建设的思考。

Professor Mark McDonnell’s lecture topic is "The challenge of designing livable and resilient cities under future threats from emerging virus epidemics". He elaborated his thinking of urban construction in the post-epidemic era from seven points.


Firstly, he showed the impacts and consequences of the outbreak on economy and finance, community activities and ecological environment through charts and data. He believes that the most significant learnings from COVID-19 pandemic to date are the public’s realization of how unhealthy city environments have become and they like nature in their cities, and a certain demand for outdoor activity spaces and close contact with nature.

Mark McDonnell教授认为,后疫情时代的风景园林将面临多样化的挑战:1)建设更加清洁、自然的城市环境;2)创造更多的社区户外活动空间;3)创造“自然式景观”让更多的人能够探索和体验自然;4)开发循证的景观设计来创建宜居、健康和韧性的城市。为此,他提出了一些减弱疫情影响的快捷措施,如推广室内绿化,建造口袋花园,利用墙体和建筑发展立体绿化、种植行道树等。

Afterwards, professor Mark McDonnell discussed about the challenges faced by landscape architects in post-epidemic era: 1) make cities cleaner with more nature, 2) provide more opportunities for neighborhood outdoor activities, 3) create "naturalistic landscapes" where everyone can explore and experience nature, and 4) develop evidence-based landscape designs to create livable, healthy and resilient cities. He suggested some quick fixes to mitigate the impact of the outbreak, such as promoting indoor greening, creating pocket gardens, providing green infrastructure for existing walls and buildings, and planting street trees.

就如何进行宜居、健康和韧性的风景园林设计,Mark McDonnell教授认为,一方面我们需要发展基于循证的设计和规划实践,将城市生态学和项目设计、社会知识以及人们的价值观相结合;另一方面,未来的风景园林设计,需要在科学和实践之间架起桥梁,基于城市生态的科学循证,可以为城市规划和设计弥补科学和实践之间的知识鸿沟。

Professor Mark McDonnell mainly discussed how to design landscape that is livable, healthy and resilient in the future. He points out that on the one hand we need to develop evidence-based design and planning practices that integrate urban ecological & social research evidence (urban ecology) with practical design and planning expertise and people’s values. On the other hand, we need to bridge the gap between science and practice. He argues that scientific evidence based on urban ecology can bridge the knowledge gap between science and practice for urban planning and design.

讲座的提问环节中,与会师生就城市中的动物管理、城乡梯度上的生物多样等问题,与Mark McDonnell教授进行了深入的探讨。会后,同学们纷纷表示收获颇丰,对于新型病毒流行病威胁下设计宜居和韧性城市的挑战有了更全面和深入的认识。

During the Q&A session, the attending teachers and students had a keen discussion with professor Mark McDonnell on animal management in the city, the biodiversity alone the urban and rural gradients and other issues. Students expressed that they developed a deeper and more thorough understanding of the challenges of designing livable and resilient cities under the threat of new virus epidemics.

车生泉教授对本次讲座进行了简要总结。他对Mark McDonnell教授讲述的内容表示非常赞同,认为讲座中的许多观点和经验对于上海未来城市建设具有借鉴意义,并热忱邀请Mark McDonnell教授参与我校风景园林国际硕士项目的教学工作。

Professor CHE Shengquan gave a brief summary of the lecture. He agreed with professor Mark McDonnell's arguments, and believed that many of the views and experiences in this lecture are significant reference for the future urban construction of Shanghai. He also warmly invited professor Mark McDonnell to participate in the teaching of the International Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) program in our university.


