2024-7-3 14:01

MFA/IIDE课程展|《Fairy Dreams-仙》——《ART FORMS 艺术形态》



“Fairy Dreams”



上海交通大学设计学院硕士课程《ART FORMS 艺术形态》,由校外导师月湖雕塑公园艺术总监郡田政之、上海交通大学设计学院副教授孔繁强主讲,上海月湖美术馆执行馆长赖瑞芬联合打造。课程探索艺术本质和多样性,旨在培养学生对形态的理性认知和感性创造。学生们运用不同的材料和技法,创作出了自己的第一份艺术品,展现了对生活、自然、社会等主题的多元化和创新性的表达和演绎。



《Fairy Dreams-仙》展览,同学们以初次创作者的身份,将个人回忆与感受转化为艺术。他们的作品,是对内心世界的隐喻性表达,也是对真实与幻想的融合。在这里,"仙"象征着超脱现实的奇幻,同学们通过创作挑战自我、发现、并疗愈自我。这些作品不仅展示了他们的勇气和创造力,更引导我们进入一个个充满隐喻的艺术世界,体验真实与梦境的交织。


展览场馆 | 月湖美术馆


展览时间 | 2024年6月14 - 2024年7月31日

联系电话 | 021-57798090



01.圆的故事 Circle's Story

《圆的故事 Circle's Story》

邵宇擎  SHAO Yuqing

布面油画  Oil painting on canvas


Circle is the normal shape in our life. It looks so simple, but if we take a deep look, it might not be just a shape or a pattern, the circle can be the eyes we have, it can be the home when a cat sleeping on the grass, it can be light in the tunnel... the circle has it’s own story, and this painting is the starting point for me to seek the circle.

02.消亡 Wither

《消亡 Wither》

张文惠  ZHANG Wenhui


Felt board, Pushpin, Cardstock 


Through splicing, individualized extinct plants are turned into a group of fictitious new plants, representing the gradually disappearing species groups in China, thereby expressing the loss of ecological diversity & the fragility of the natural world. . By displaying these no longer existing plants in a new way, it is hoped that the audience will have a deeper understanding and concern for environmental protection.

03.悬浮在写字台 Floating on the writing desk

 马昕蕾  Jester MA

石塑粘土、水泥  Stone clay and cement

《悬浮在写字台 Floating on the writing desk》



Studying at School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, first year of postgraduate, from a small city in central Inner Mongolia.

Occasionally draw, often play video games, and always wander around. I'm glad that this course allows me to leave the screen and do something with my hands, sol chose a painting from a few years ago as the basis, and used clay to build up its appearance in the physical world bit by bit. What lI want to express is in the painting and cannot be reproduced. I like aimlessness and randomness, and this attempt brings new possibilities. I deviate from the reference pictures little by little, and don't think about how it should be made. What it is is how it should be, being is being.



倪悅琳  NI Yuelin 

综合材料  Mixed Media


I used to have a dream of seeing an exhibiton, and when I woke up, I realized that the ehibits presented in the dream were all imagined by my own brain, and now I have made an exhibit out of a dream that I had recorded.

05.不要害怕变老Aging is a birthday cake,don't be afraid


《Aging is a birthday cake,don't be afraid》

谢季钊  XIE Jizhao


Stoneware clay, Plastic, Wax 


“Our birthdays are just a celebration of all the years that came before and a welcoming of the next. 当你在生日那天醒来,你并不会感觉到新的一岁的来临,这一天仍旧是平凡正常的一天,你任然是那个前一岁的自己,是16岁的自己,是1岁的自己。我任然会说一些傻话,就像我19岁那样;我有时会怀疑自己,那是我身上23岁的自己;我会毫无理由的大哭,那是我身上1岁的自己。因为我们长大的方式就像一颗洋葱,新的一岁包裹着上一岁。”


06.心的形状 Shape of the heart

《心的形状 Shape of the heart》

李美静  LI Meijing  


Photopolymer resin, Stoneware clay





The heart in the biological sense is composed of many parts to be complete and fully functional. The same is true of the heart in the sense of soul.

Just like this heart in front of you. He is both soft and hard. Looking at it from different sides, you will find different parts.

It is not only inherently complex, but also shaped by the environment, and it will also become black, rusty and deformed. Just as society shapes us.

When you stare at this complicated and chaotic heart, which part of the soul do you see?

07.伤口 Wound

《伤口 Wound》

李明璇  LI Mingxuan

羊毛毡  Wool felt  




08.眼泪 Tears

温馨  WEN Xin 


Stoneware clay, Beads, Acrylics, Pastels, Colored pencils 

《眼泪 Tears》


"Tears are the smallest sea in the world, life is a sea of tears." In the past, I dislike crying and tears, which seemed very fragile. But in the process of constantly learning to be brave, I realized that each of my tears is the beginning of a story, an emotional node, and learning to accept my emotions and softness is the bravest part of life. In this work, I tell some memories of childhood through tears, trying to accept the traces and emotions of my growth.

09.心光果影 Soul Gleam

邹亚希  ZOU Yaxi


Transparent clay, cellophane, wire

electroplated plastic ball ribbon 

《心光果影 Soul Gleam》


Through the light beyond the fruit's shell,Reflecting hues of the soul's swell. Into realms where light and shadow play, Exploring secrets where hearts hold sway.

10.灵魂容器 Soul Container

《灵魂容器 Soul Container》

李思扬  Syan LEE


Stoneware clay, Beads, Acrylics

Pastels, Colored pencils



Soul Container is inspired by the 90s anime Ghost in the Shell, which explored cutting-edge topics such as artificial intelligence, conscious autonomy, and identity. In the era of information explosion, the memory of a human's whole life is like a drop of water in the ocean compared with the huge information world, and the human body  is perhaps just a "container for the human soul."

Soul Container consists of a number of trumpet units representing individuals, and their collection forms a vast network, symbolizing our intricate connections. The  cocoon shape is a metaphor for our lost state in the era of information explosion. Through the sound-light interaction, the process of receiving and disseminating information is shown to make the audience integrate into the specific field. This work calls on audience to rethink the meaning of their own existence and find their own place in the information hive.

11.上海回忆录 Memoir of Shanghai

《上海回忆录 Memoir of Shanghai》

Julie Esther Ramsey / 美国

银丝、钢铁  Silver wire and steel


An abstraction of the Oriental Pearl Tower whose architecture was inspired by Bai Juyi’s poem which says: The low and high pitches are played in alternate patterns. Like large and small pearls raining down on a jade plate.

12.谁制造了它? Who made it? 

《谁制造了它?Who made it? 》


综合材料  Mixed Media  


Welcome to "Reflective Reclamation: Fashioning a Better World." This project aims to confront our consumption habits through an interactive installation featuring a large trash bin adorned with vibrant leaf patterns, symbolizing the interconnectedness of our choices with the environment. As viewers approach, they are greeted by the enigmatic question, "Who Made This?" beckoning reflection on the origins of their belongings. Upon lifting the lid, a mirror invites self-examination, asking participants to consider their role in the cycle of consumption. Meanwhile, at the back of the bin, the poignant query, "the beautiful world?" challenges us to envision a more sustainable future. Overflowing with discarded fast fashion garments and bags, the bin serves as a tangible reminder of the consequences of our throwaway culture, urging us to rethink our relationship with material possessions and strive for a more conscious and compassionate world.

13.根植于心的善良 Embedded Kindness

《根植于心的善良 Embedded Kindness》


综合材料  Mixed Media




When I arrived in China three months ago, I did not know what to expect.  I arrived together with a good Chinese friend of mine and his family took me in like I already knew them.  I got to spent Chinese New year with them, met a lot of relatives and got to learn many traditions.  The one thing that touched me the most was how kind everyone was.

The tale of the 2 dragons being to kind of taking the pearl for themselves to reach a higher level of spirituality is my connection point of tradition and kindness.

I wanted to simplify the dragons and make it more abstract while still being able to see what it represents.  I wanted to include the people of China to show my appreciation for their kindness and thus involve them into the statue as well.  My main takeaway is that traditions have been a big part of forming the Chinese society.

14.跳舞的粒子 Dancing Particles

《跳舞的粒子 Dancing Particles》

王海燕  WANG Haiyan

综合材料  Mixed Media


"Dancing Particles”is a dynamic and vibrant art installation.lt comprisesfour transparent acrylic cylinders flled with colorful particles. The core ofthe installation lies in the intermittent operation of blowers, which agitatethe particles within the cylinders, causing them to dance and rotate joyfully. These dancing particles represent fleeting moments of life,momentaryyet splendid, repeating endlessly in eternity. The work explores the flow oftime, the rhythm of life, and the philosophical relationship between theinstant and the eternal.

15.褪色的回忆 Faded Memories

《褪色的回忆 Faded Memories》

邓涛  DENG Tao

综合材料  Mixed Media 


16.时光碎片 Shards of Time

《时光碎片 Shards of Time》

楼毅俊  LOU Yijun

聚丙烯塑料  PP



17.活着 长大 盛放 Live Grow Bloom

《活着 长大 盛放 Live Grow Bloom》

乔越希  QIAO Yuexi 


Plastic clay, Wire, Carton, Eps foam, Waste utilization


18.数字生命之心 Heart of Lifelike Digital Humans

《数字生命之心 Heart of Lifelike Digital Humans》

袁昊  YUAN Hao 

综合材料  Mixed Media 


The artist used cardboards to construct a robot fgure witha hollow heart area and a human form embedded insidemade of synthesized materials. With the exploration andpursuit of technology, is the human being itself as fragile asthe cardboard.ls the vacant heart of the life like digitalhumans intentional by the creator or is it just the essence oflife. ls it also difhcult to control the essence of life with highlydeveloped technology?

19.时间之印 The Imprint of Time

《时间之印 The Imprint of Time》

时倩  SHI Qian

石膏  Gypsum


20.结_星月夜 Knots_Starry Night

《结_星月夜 Knots_Starry Night》

汤如辰  TANG Ruchen

综合材料  Mixed Media 



“Knots Starry Night"is a fber art piece wovenfrom icestrip yarn,cotton thread,and hand-mixedyarn ofvarying materials. This work, in the form oftangledthreads, skillfully expresses the balancebetween clar-ity and madness, reflecting the myriadthoughts withinpeople's hearts.The intricate tangles resemble a starry nightscene.with both tranquil night sky and brightmoonlight sym-bolizing the ebb and fow ofthoughts. Through thisartwork,l hope viewers fee!the internal struggle andbalance, reflecting onhow to fnd inner peace betweenreason and emetion.

21.困兽 Trapped · Cage

《困兽 Trapped · Cage》

王敏  WANG Min

AI 人工智能 


22.记忆的怀抱 Arms in Memory

《记忆的怀抱 Arms in Memory》

吴琪慧  WU Qihui 

橡皮泥  Plasticine


